How can I use an old hot tub for a water garden?

Leslie Prantl
by Leslie Prantl
  5 answers
  • Tom Stuart Tom Stuart on Aug 24, 2019

    Yes! I did exactly that 6 years ago and it is still going great with papyrus, hyacinth, and guppies (fish control mosquitoes). Make sure you put it on a level place where you want it. Once you have things growing it will be very difficult to relocate the fish and plants.

    With the plants and fish the pond has stabilized and doesn’t need any care. The fish live off of the algae and all I do is take out old leaves and plants.

    Depending on where you live you may need to plan a low voltage system for a heater or a recirculating pump so it doesn’t freeze and kill the fish.

    I have found Lilypons to be an excellent source of equipment and advice. They also have a learning center which answers many questions.

  • Prerna Prerna on Aug 27, 2019

    If weather permits, grow lotus in it

  • This may help you out:

  • Unexpected Elegance Unexpected Elegance on Aug 30, 2019

    If you add a water pump in it that work? Then you could just add a bunch of plants around the outside to hide the sides.