How can I makeover my childhood dresser with gold trim?

Lynn Elliott
by Lynn Elliott

My dresser from my childhood, is the white with gold trim.I don’t believe it’s a stain. Would I prep it differently?would love to update mine like this. Thanks

  5 answers
  • Nan W. Nan W. on Sep 17, 2019

    Lynn: like what? ...please supply a photo --- we are here to help!

  • Gk Gk on Sep 17, 2019

    If your dresser is the kind I am thinking of you can successfully use chalk paint and a clear poly. I would sand it lightly with a very fine grit sandpaper, clean it well, and then use a primer before you use chalk paint. I am thinking that the top, front of drawers, and sides are a wood product that is covered with a non wood material-like a formica kind of finish. I normally don't prime before I use chalk paint but with this type of dresser I would. It would be helpful if you added a picture. I am adding a picture of what I think your dresser may look like! I recently chalk painted a bedroom set like this. It came from Sears-1960's or early 70's era.

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  • Lynn Elliott Lynn Elliott on Sep 17, 2019 yours, do you remember the color you used.

    Right now my dresser is in storage, but I believe your right.

  • Gk Gk on Sep 17, 2019

    Lynn! In response to your question regarding the picture I attached of the dresser that I thought maybe looked like yours! I didn't paint that dresser--it's just a very similar picture to what I thought your dresser might look like! There are similar colors of chalk paint that resemble that color. You may have to do a bit of shopping to find that pretty blue! There's lots of choices for chalk paint. My most favorite chalk paint is Annie Sloan but I have used other brands to get a particular color that I like. A very pretty blue Annie Sloan color is Provence--somewhat similar to that color. That particular picture also looks as if it may have been waxed with a dark wax to age it. If you wax over chalk paint and want to use a dark wax to age your piece you will have to wax with a clear wax first. The reason for using a clear wax first is that it is easier to remove the dark wax with some more clear wax if you get more dark than you'd like. Check out Pinterest for some color ideas! I used a light gray and then waxed with clear and black wax. I don't have a picture because I did the bedroom set for someone else. You can spray paint your handles any color you like. I did a bright silver color.

  • Megan Megan on Sep 17, 2019

    Hi Lynn!! If you want gold trim use gilding wax on all the edges. :) Rub n'Buff can be easily purchased at Hobby Lobby! I'll attach a photo of Rub N' Buff!

    Also Decor Art has a great gold metallic for the edges if you are needing more of a paint!

    Also here is a link on how to chalk paint vintage furniture that might also be helpful! :)

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