How can I build an outdoor concrete or wood staircase?

by May
  5 answers
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Sep 29, 2019

    We need more information.

    How many steps? Completely outside?

    Steps/staircases have many safety regulations in terms of rise:run, open risers restrictions and handrails.

    Exterior stair’s have durability & slip resistance criteria.

    A picture would be great.

  • Hi May, here are instructions for creating wooden steps that could easily be used for your purpose:

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Sep 30, 2019

    Things like stairs may have to comply with building codes

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Oct 05, 2019

    Wood is normally cheaper and less work. There are standard run & rise dimensions. It also depends on how high you need to go. A ramp may be easier to use if it is for storing things with wheels.

  • Huntress Huntress on Oct 05, 2019

    My friend and I are doing her steps with pallets, which were free. Just goggle/search pallet steps.