How can I clean an aluminum pan with tough burnt on grease?

by Terri

I recently picked up a sturdy aluminum griddle at a thrift store. It has alot of deep dark burnt on grease. I have shot it twice with oven cleaner, too little avail.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to"pit it".Thanks, Terri

  4 answers
  • Hi Terri,

    This video is awesome! I have used it in the past and it works really well.

    Lauren - The Little Lake Cottage

  • Terri Terri on Sep 30, 2019

    Thank you SO much Lauren! 😀

    Now I can save my tools and my finger nails!! Lol

    This is why I come HERE to ask the EXPERTS!!

    THANK YOU! Terri

  • I've had some success with TSP substitute powder and Bar Keeper's Friend (powder form) but if it's a lot and super burnt, you might be struggling more than it's worth.

    • Terri Terri on Oct 03, 2019

      Thanks Becky!

      I was told to try Easy Off oven cleaner. Cold pan, 15 minutes and done!!

      Now everyone of my pans shine!

      Easy peezy!

      Thank you! 😀 Terri

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jun 11, 2020

    Hi Terri, I make a paste of baking soda and water, apply and let it sit for a few hours, then use the rough side of a scrubber sponge to scour it off, repeat if needed.