How do I build an easy ramp?

by Candy

My mom deperately needs a ramp after upcoming foot surgery. Can't afford a contractor and need some direction! Thank you

  5 answers
  • Gk Gk on Oct 10, 2019

    This is a very simple ramp Candy but I am not sure if it can work for you as the height of this ramp is not that far off the ground. The height and length of your ramp will depend on the height of your doorway to the ground and the height will also determine the length of the ramp. Perhaps someone has a better idea!

    Here is a link to buy ramps. I would check around your area--you may be able to rent a ramp.

  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 10, 2019

    Depends on what your building the ramp.... how many stairs, how high the landing etc. There are many videos on YouTube for all your ramp needs, Just make sure its not too steep, and put some rails on the ramp sides and a surface that will allow you to push a wheelchair or walker up it. A railing for stability will also help.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 10, 2019

    We did one out of plywood instead of deck boards. You will need to see how much room you have. If it's temporary, just work with the space you have. If it's going to be permanent, then check out the guidelines from the disability act.

    Basically, you build a frame and then either affix deckboards or plywood. Similar to a deck but angled.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Oct 12, 2019

    My good friends had a high porch and used a short ramp one way, flattened out, and did a U turn to another ramp the other direction that followed back in front of the house the opposite way. Think "switch backs" on mountain roads to slow the steepness of the grade. I would use a 2 x 6 on the sides and attach them to the door with good screws. Then lay 5/8 or better plywood across them to make the ramp.

  • Deb K Deb K on Aug 22, 2020

    Hi Candy, here are a few ideas, hope they help you out,