Asked on Oct 11, 2019

If I put Rid X down my toilet will it help unclog tissue?

Dee Moore
by Dee Moore

If I put ridex down my toilet will it help dissolve tissue and unclog the toilet?

  10 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 11, 2019

    It will help. I bought the green gobbler septic tank packets, similar to Ridex, and it cleared up mine.

  • William William on Oct 11, 2019

    Additional user for Rid-X Septic Tank Cleanser: as a safe and natural way to keep the insides of all plumbing lines clean. Rid-X is a bacterial enzyme that breaks down waste in septic tanks, but it can also be used for all waste systems in your house. Applied regularly, it will “clean” the inside of the pipes by breaking down the solid waste stuck to the pipes. Because it is organic, it is safe to use in every type of plumbing pipe, and it is a great preventative measure.The Recipe:

    • Use 1 tablespoon of powder per 16 oz. of warm water
    • Mix it like tea and pour it down each bathroom and kitchen drain
    • Do this once a month at each fixture for a year, and then 4 times a year to keep the pipes clean

    For the liquid version of Rid-X, double the amount of the powder using 2 tablespoons per 16 oz of warm water.

    The chemical is harmless to the pipes, so too much will not hurt anything. We like the powder better because it makes for a thicker liquid that goes down the drain more slowly, sticks where it’s needed and seems to give a better performance. The liquid will help, but we recommend the powder version. The mixture does not need to sit in the traps for any length of time to work, so you can continue to use your drains immediately after applying the formula.

    Once the formula is in your pipes it will thrive where you need it most – which is to say that it will “feed” or break down the organic waste where the build up exists. Just mix the Rid-X, dump it down the sink and then rinse the sink. This material will grow in the P-traps, inside the pipes and generally eat away the sludge build up inside pipes that a sewer rooter cutting tool will not remove. The enzyme is totally safe for pipes and fixtures and actually breaks down the oils, solids and wastes inside the plumbing pipes, safely and inexpensively.

    Rid-X does NOT clear up existing clogs. It is used after a clog has been properly cleared, and as preventive tool to reduce the occurrence of clogs in the future. You will still need to remember to remove the hair that gets caught in drains, and remove any foreign objects that get into the pipes.

    • Cruisinprincess2 Cruisinprincess2 on Apr 03, 2021

      On the box it says to add the whole box to the toilet and flush twice. Also use at night. That is what I've been using. I use it on the first of very month to clean out the pipes. Thank-you for your reply.

  • Gk Gk on Oct 11, 2019

    Ridex is for the septic system. It adds bacteria to help break down solids in the septic system. I don't think it will dissolve tissues in a clogged toilet.

  • Peggy Peggy on Oct 14, 2019

    Frankly, you’re better off using a plunger or snake for toilet clogs. Rid-X is for septic tanks.

  • Jody Price Jody Price on Oct 14, 2019

    I read where you can pour liquid dish soap in your toilet...let it set...flush. Hot water might also work.

  • Felix E Paino Felix E Paino on Aug 28, 2020

    Will the Red-x powder damage a garbage disposel ?

  • Imani Porter Imani Porter on Dec 15, 2020

    Did you try it? If so, dit it work? I’m trying it now. The box says it dissolves paper. So, we shall see. I am also trying baking soda and vinegar. I read that works too.

    comment photo
  • Cruisinprincess2 Cruisinprincess2 on Mar 03, 2021

    I have a single family home that has 2 bathrooms. Can I use one box of the powder in just 1 bathroom toilet or do I need to use a box for each toilet. I've been calling the 1-800 number - but get no answer. Thank-you

    • Debra Duer Beadles Debra Duer Beadles on Apr 03, 2021

      As I understand it, the amount used for the septic tank maintenance is based on sizeof septic tank. I use 1 box in the toilet nearest the tank, once a month. However for the purpose of the pipe cleaning I would use some in each toilet.

  • Sharon Sharon on Nov 01, 2021

    If you have a clean out for your sewer line, I would get it snaked out..... you probably have a bunch of feeder roots in there. Then maintain with Roebic Root Killer that you can pour right into your sewer clean out. I also use their Roebic Main Line cleaner to keep the toliet flowing.

  • Chrissy Chrissy on Mar 23, 2022

    Rid-X definitely will not dissolve toilet paper in a toilet that won’t flush down the paper & has become clogged because there’s so much paper in it. It will just keep filling up the bowl full of water every time u try to flush it.