How can I decorate my living room around this security rail?

Damaris Corres
by Damaris Corres

This is the entrance of my little living room and I need the rail for security.

  11 answers
  • T R T R on Oct 24, 2019

    Hi, Can you clarify what you are looking to do?

  • Damaris Corres Damaris Corres on Oct 24, 2019

    How I decorate the wall on left or the rail?

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Oct 24, 2019

    We would love to help you but honestly the pic is so dark all I think I see is a chair to the side of the door. Can you post more pics with lots of lights on?

  • Ellis Ellis on Oct 25, 2019

    I'm guessing that the rail is in open position now, but must be moved over the door for security? And in the open position it covers the wall to the left of the door?

    How about a nice poster, in geometric or "modern art" style, framed in a very shallow frame, so it doesn't interfere with the rail? Or maybe a wall paint treatment, in color blocks or geometric shapes, in your favorite colors?

  • PR PR on Oct 25, 2019

    It looks like a metal security sliding gate? Maybe some thin wood to transition it to looking more like a sliding barn door. You could add some faux hinges to spruce it up. Or add thin glass Inserts between the bars Crackled or maybe stained glass?

    • PR PR on Oct 25, 2019

      Or... They have really nice wallpaper you could frame a pretty landscaping view behind the gate to match the pretty landscape outside of your entry way.

  • Grace Gleason Grace Gleason on Oct 25, 2019

    PR has a good idea. Turn it into a barn door since they are so popular now. A piece of 1/4" plywood and some crossbars should do it.

    You may need to disguise whatever that is to the left of the sliding bars with a picture or something.

    Here's the photo - a little lighter for more ideas.

    comment photo
  • William William on Oct 30, 2019

    I like the barn door idea. One thing to consider is when it's closed it will block daylight from the outside and darken the room. Another option is build a chase on the left where the gate is open to hide the gate like a pocket door. You can paint, hang pictures, etc. The gate will be hidden when opened and won't block daylight when closed.

  • Dee Dee on Oct 30, 2019

    The area needs to be painted a nice pastel or calm color.I see why you need security gate as door is all glass. The other solution would be to replace the door and get rid of the gate.

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Oct 30, 2019

    where is your security rail ? I don't see it on the picture

    • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 31, 2019

      Reply to Agnes;

      The 'rail' is the entire metal railing to the left of the door. The picture shows the railing open so that the door can be opened. When it is closed, or slid in place in front of the door, it prevents the door from being opened, thus securing the door from someone coming in.

  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Nov 01, 2019

    It really depends on your overall décor. The barn door is a great idea if your décor is more country style. But, as someone previously mentioned, it will block any light coming in through that door. Also, it would tend to be quite heavy and may interfere with the sliding function of the door itself. If you just wish to hide the bars without obstructing the light, why not some sheers on a rod with magnetic brackets? Use several panels pushed together so that the shirring eliminates the view of the bars. The magnetic brackets will make it easy to remove them for washing, etc.

  • Damaris Corres Damaris Corres on Nov 01, 2019
    This is what I gonna do! Thanks!