Where can I find reclaimed wood for painting paintings?

by Margaret

I have posted on social media and no luck, looked through classifieds, nothing. Would appreciate any info I could get!

  5 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Nov 02, 2019

    Hello I did my Painting project on a deconstructed reformed pallet.

    Pallets are often found free on craigslist, homeowners often get deliveries and don’t want to mess with the disposal.

    Maybe try to look there?

    Hope this helps!

    comment photo
  • Seth Seth on Nov 02, 2019

    Home Depot actually stocks some reclaimed wood now. You can also find dealers online, but would have to pay for shipping. Search your local area for architectural salvage dealers. If you are really ambitious, drive around and look for industrial demolition sites and do some dumpster diving. You can also try calling your local independent lumber yard who may have some suggestions for you. Keep checking Facebook Marketplace. You never know when it will turn up.

  • Average Joe's Joinery Average Joe's Joinery on Nov 02, 2019

    A lot of the reclaimed wood used for those paintings come from pallets. You can find old pallets knocking around industrial estates, by large warehouses and factories. If you find any, always ask permission before taking them. Most people are pleased to have them taken off their hands but some may be wanting to reuse them for themselves.

  • Pallets might be your best bet. Many places give way for free depending on where you live. And posting on social media doesn't bring wood to you. Time to hop in the car and seek it out and do a bit of dumpster diving in the process. Or Google to find salvage yards in your area and visit them. Prices there might be a bit higher. Or, just buy new wood and finish it to look old and weathered.

  • Natalie Natalie on Nov 11, 2019

    You can find weathered pallets for free usually. The hard part is taking them apart to get the wood.