How can I touch up the paint on furniture and cabinets?

by Mel
  5 answers
  • Mel Mel on Nov 02, 2019

    Just wondering. I retired doing touch up and repairing anything and everything.

    It was a great business

  • Emily Emily on Nov 02, 2019

    looks like you have answered your question

  • Deb K Deb K on Nov 02, 2019

    Hi Mel, touch ups are usually pretty easy as long as you can match the color, for woos you can buy pens or use crayons to match wood colors and make the marks less noticeable, paint is easy though time consuming, but will make everything look new.

    I love chalk paint as it is so easy to work with,

  • Cindy Cindy on Nov 04, 2019

    Hi Mel. There are kits at the hardware store for this exact purpose. Some include sets of markers and sets of crayons in different shades. You can simply touch up wood by coloring it in. Good luck Mel.