How do I paint ugly white laminate cabinets?

by Judy

Have those ugly white kitchen cabinets. DO you have to take the laminate off before painting? Ours are shipped off in some spots?

  4 answers
  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Nov 08, 2019

    Hi Judy make sure and remove any loose laminate and then you can fill in the spots with wood putty. From there you can sand them smooth and repaint.

  • Hi, Judy!

    If the area where the laminate is missing is small, it can be filled and sanded smooth. A primer such as Zinsser BIN works really well on laminate cabinets, then they can be painted however you choose! I hope this helps!

  • Judy Judy on Nov 08, 2019

    Thank you - appreciate the response!

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Nov 10, 2019

    Judy; remove (or super glue down) loose pieces. Then sand to make surface look even. Next important step: PRIME... then use two coats of a GOOD latex paint. Use the cabinets gently for a month or so -- until the paint cures. Here are my laminate painted kitchen cabinets:

    comment photo
    • Judy Judy on Nov 11, 2019

      Thanks so much Nan, I appreciate your experience:)!