Has anyone used fireplace cleaning logs?

by Sharon

I purchased a credited log from Walmart because I have not been able to find a chimney sweep in my area and I have not used the fireplace for several years because of not having a chimney sweep. It is a wood burning fireplace in a double wide mobile home.

Any help on how to clean a wood-burning fireplace would be appreciated.

Sharon K

  6 answers
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Dec 31, 2019

    Have you looked in your chimney to see how bad the build-up is and if you have any masonry mortar cracks?

    Cracks have set several homes, in my old neighborhood, on fire. Sparks and embers get in there and then the creosote build up catches on fire and the wood framing beyond the bricks ignites.

    Have you considered having a handyman-type person with a big shop vac and long brushes at least give it a try?

  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 31, 2019

    Those logs are great for maintaining a fireplace during the winter, but I wouldn't rely on them for one that hasn't been cleaning in years. Have you tried calling some local stores that sell wood stoves and fireplaces? that is where I got my referral.

    Alternatively since this is a mobile home, I suspect you have a wood stove with a metal pipe flu..... you can take the pipe down and buy brushes to clean them.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYNglZ6ck60 chimney kits..... https://www.amazon.com/s?k=chimney+cleaning+kit&crid=3UFD4MJRFYLG0&sprefix=chimney%2Caps%2C583&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_7 be sure to put an old sheet or drop cloth down as greasy creosote is hard to remove.

  • Hi, Sharon!

    A chimney brush can be purchased to loosen and remove the creosote buildup. I had a wood-burning stove in my mobile home years ago and used to clean the chimney with the brush. It is also a good idea to thoroughly clean the screen on the top of the chimney because creosote gets baked on it prohibiting air flow. Once you've cleaned the screen and used the brush in the chimney, a fireplace cleaning log can be used as a back up. I hope this helps!

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Dec 31, 2019

    We tried these in one of our rental properties and it was not very helpful. Get the chimney cleaned and then use these in-between cleanings.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jan 01, 2020

    Chimney masonry repair companies may be able to recommend chimney sweeps in your area.