How can I freshen up kitchen & other chair cushions?

by Madeline

Anyone have an idea of how to freshen up kitchen chair cushions? I have tried spraying them with Fabreeze & other fresheners but the scent doesn't last very long. I looked on the cushion tag, thinking maybe I could put it in the washer but it says to just spot clean them. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks everyone......Madeline

  6 answers
  • Gk Gk on Feb 11, 2020

    Are these removeable chair cushions Madeline? If so I would wash them in the wash machine on the gentle/delicate cycle and then dry them. So many times it does say to just spot clean but I have successfully washed those items on the delicate cycle. Of course it would depend on the material and what risk you are willing to take! If they are not removeable and you own a carpet cleaner with an upholstery attachment I would try that next. You would have to be very careful as to not get them too wet so that you didn't ruin the chair especially if it is wood.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 11, 2020

    Try OdoBan. It's a disinfectant and odor eliminator with a fairly good eucalyptus scent.

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Feb 11, 2020

    Hi Madeline, we washed my moms chair cushions in the washer on cool and gentle, we set them out to dry and they came out great. Hope this helps you.

    • Madeline Madeline on Feb 23, 2020

      I washed the cushions in the washer with no problems at all. I even put them in the dryer for about 20 minutes & they came out great !.......Thanks for the help !

  • I agree with Peggy. If you wash them on gentle, they should be fine.

  • J Brown J Brown on Feb 12, 2020

    Consider soaking them in tub or laundry sink to avoid damage to the fabric or causing them to become misshaped from the machine agitation.

  • Beth Beth on Feb 12, 2020

    Try using your iron on the steam setting, and let the steam really go through them. This should steam clean your cushions, and should help with smells. You can use this method on mattresses and other furniture as well.