I have cracks in my kitchen walls (add on in the 50) I have repaired

Janet Biensash
by Janet Biensash

them a number of times.. Need help on the best way. I have used mesh and sanded the spackling. I It last a few years.. Also I need an easy ideas for something around my rhubarb and flower bed that is inexpensive and something that cannot be moved when mowing...Thank you, JBB

  13 answers
  • Scarlet Paolicchi Scarlet Paolicchi on Apr 03, 2020

    Sounds like a foundation problem if the cracks keep returning.

    As far as the flower bed, bricks or stones work great and can be free if you can gather some from leftover jobs or the woods.

  • Janet Biensash Janet Biensash on Apr 03, 2020

    There are no cracks on outside foundation. I am sure with cold weather in Wisconsin that are house is still settling. Long line of mason in this family.. Yes I have used rocks and bricks. looking for something else that hubby can't move while mowing.. I thought about large rocks as well but not sure if it would work in this spot. Thank you..

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Apr 03, 2020

    Janet: foundation cracks can be under the floor... just show on the walls --- and not the external part of the house.

  • There's probably settling which is why the cracks keep coming back. I've used a spray product and haven't had any cracks come back. You can see what I did here: https://www.flippingtheflip.com/2015/04/variety-pack-day.html If the cracks are bad, you should have a structural engineer out to check the foundation.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Apr 03, 2020

    A short fence can be made or bought to separate rhubarb and flower beds from the lawn.

  • William William on Apr 03, 2020

    Sounds like the foundation is settling and the cracks come back. May want to get someone out there to check it out and if it can be fixed. As for the garden beds you can use retaining wall blocks around them


  • I agree, I would have someone come out and take a look at the foundation to make sure everything is ok... otherwise, the cracks are just going to come back or get worse.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Apr 03, 2020

    Our house was built in 1950 and has a slab foundation, we have had some shifting, as you have by cracks in the walls, repair and they reappear over time. In my opinion, what is causing this is the change in the water table, it effects the foundation.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Apr 04, 2020

    You can use wooden stakes and chicken wire to protect your rhubarb and flower beds. Here's a post that might help - https://www.gardeners.com/how-to/keeping-animals-out/5452.html

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 04, 2020

    Hello Janet,

    If you have cracks, how big are these cracks, If they are wide then it might be worth investigating if the ground has moved and settled over time! It might need to be "Tied in" by a professional or the foundations strengthened. Best wishes.

  • Kate Garrett Kate Garrett on Apr 04, 2020

    Regarding your kitchen cracks:

    The original slab & the one for the addition seen to be settling at different rates. Here is a good rule of thumb, a crack no thicker than a coin or 2 is probably cosmetic. A crack you can slide a pencil into definitely isn't.

    I recommend removing old patching and checking the width of the damage. If you can get 3 U.S. pennies into it, call a contractor to have the foundation evaluated. Most are used to the idea of people doing price comparison shopping, and may charge little to nothing to come out and work up an estimate.

    If the gap is wide enough for a pencil, contact your home lender first. Ask about a Home Equity Line Of Credit, or HELOC (pronounced he-lock). It will not be cheap to fix. Knowing your resources can help you decide the best course.

    • See 1 previous
    • Kate Garrett Kate Garrett on Apr 05, 2020

      Good luck with your repairs.

      My first husband bought us a Federalist townhouse instead of an engagement ring. Most of it was original to the 1830s (the foundation was 1730s, but there had been a fire). Other than the plumbing and electrical add-ons, you couldn't beet it for workmanship. I still miss the old place. I hope your home gives you just as much joy.

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 04, 2020

    Hi Janet, you can use drywall tape before you use the spackle and it makes the mud stronger, sand and paint.

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 04, 2020

    For the Rhubarb, to keep things away from it? Use chicken wire with one-inch or smaller mesh. As shown in the illustration at the top of the page, fencing should be at least 2 feet high to prevent rabbits from jumping over. To keep them from burrowing under, bury at least 3 to 6 inches (the deeper the better) and bend the buried portion away from plantings.

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