How can I get pee out of a mattress?

I'd like to clean a mattress with pee on it. How can I clean it? Thank you.

  10 answers
  • Here's a link:

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Apr 12, 2021

    Hope this link helps you:

    Cleaning Pee Out of a Mattress

    1. Remove all sheets, blankets, any mattress covers, etc. and wash.
    2. Blot (don’t scrub!) the urine with a large towel, getting up as much of the liquid as possible.
    3. Lightly spray the entire urine spot with a solution of 50/50 white vinegar and let stand for five to ten minutes.
    4. Continue to blot out any liquid.
    5. Cover entire area with baking soda. Let stand for 8-10 hours. (Ideally, you will do this first thing in the morning, as soon as you discover the pee on the mattress!)
    6. Vacuum up the baking soda.
    7. Repeat the process if the urine stain and odor are still on the mattress. The odor should be completely gone from the mattress, but you may still have a very faint stain.


  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Apr 12, 2021

    I hope this helps.

    comment photo
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Apr 12, 2021

    Nature's Miracle (at pet supply stores) is live enzymes that literally eat pee, poo & vomit.

    You'll need to saturate the area and put plastic over it for a day or two, so they can live long enough to eat the pee.

    If you've a lot of other cleaners already on the matress, they may not be able to live in that environment.

  • Dee Dee on Apr 12, 2021

    Baking soda naturally neutralizes odors. Sprinkle it liberally on the damp area or even an old urine stain, and work the powder gently into the fibers of any fabric, rug or carpet. Let the baking soda sit overnight for maximum odor absorption, then vacuum it up to remove the smell completely.

    1. Create a solution of half water and half distilled vinegar, and put it in a spray bottle.
    2. Spray the affected area with your vinegar solution.
    3. Blot excess moisture out again using towels.
    4. Cover the area with a generous layer of baking soda.
    5. Let the baking soda sit on the mattress for as long as possible. We recommend at least 8 hours.
    6. Vacuum off the baking soda and inspect the mattress, checking for signs of stains and urine odors

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 12, 2021

    Hello Marli, You will need white vinegar, baking soda, water, a spray bottle, a vacuum, and a few cleaning towels. Using a cleaning towel or paper towels, gently blot the moist areas to soak up as much liquid as possible. Do not rub or scrub the mattress, as this risks pushing the urine further into the bed. Hope this helps you out

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Apr 12, 2021

    here is more info

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 12, 2021

    How to Clean Urine from a Mattress

    If you catch the accident quickly, this section is for you. If the urine has already dried and created stains, skip down to the next section.

    1. Strip the bed and put all your bedding in the washing machine as soon as possible.
    2. Gather supplies.You will need white vinegar, baking soda, water, a spray bottle, a vacuum, and a few cleaning towels.
    3. Using a cleaning towel or paper towels, gently blot the moist areas to soak up as much liquid as possible. Do not rub or scrub the mattress, as this risks pushing the urine further into the bed.
    4. Create a solution of half water and half distilled vinegar, and put it in a spray bottle.
    5. Spray the affected area with your vinegar solution.
    6. Blot excess moisture out again using towels.
    7. Cover the area with a generous layer of baking soda.
    8. Let the baking soda sit on the mattress for as long as possible. We recommend at least 8 hours.
    9. Vacuum off the baking soda and inspect the mattress, checking for signs of stains and urine odors.
    10. If necessary, repeat steps 5 through 9 until the odor and stains are completely removed.

    This process will generally remove the urine smell from a mattress and prevent permanent stains. Be sure to use plenty of baking soda and give it adequate time to soak up all of the excess moisture.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 16, 2021

    Hello. I just accomplish this stain removing task myself on second hand bunk beds. The Oxy formulation in the commercial spray cleaners works well. Having a protective mattress cover could be advisable if budget allows.