I have a white tile on my kitchen floor, will a garage floor finish work to cover it.

Karen Griffin
by Karen Griffin
I absolutely hate in and it's impossible to keep clean, Most of the replacements I've considered involve taking the tile up. I'm looking for something that will cover the existing surface, provide some color, be easy to clean and inexpensive. Tall order I know
  19 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Sep 11, 2012
    Karen...I have know of a few projects where tile was painted. These were in a shower environment and they came out pretty well. These were done by a company called "miracle method" http://www.miraclemethod.com/ceramic-tile-refinishing.htm The process is not as cheap as some folks would like but it is a viable option.
  • Hamtil Construction LLC Hamtil Construction LLC on Sep 19, 2012
    Would you consider installing tile over tile? Not always the best solution, but at least you would not have to remove what's existing. That would save a substansial amount of money. Only requirement is that the existing floor is solid and in good condition.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Oct 23, 2012
    Hamtil Construction, what method would be the best to put tile over tile? I have ugly smooth tiles in my main entry way and at the garage entry way. Also what would you suggest I put where the last row of tiles meet the top step so you don't trip? The existing tile starts about 4 to 5 inches from the edge of the step. I guess I should add a picture .
  • Hamtil Construction LLC Hamtil Construction LLC on Oct 24, 2012
    Hi @Mary I., a photo would help with your transition question. Can you send me one via message?
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Oct 24, 2012
    Yes, I'll take one tomorrow, getting late here :)
  • Karen Griffin Karen Griffin on Oct 25, 2012
    Thanks for all the input. I haven't decided what I will do but it's nice to have some options
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Oct 25, 2012
    Hamtil Construction LLC here are the pictures on how my tile floor transitions to my stairs. I woul really hate to have to take the tile up si nce I have it in the entryway coming in from the garage on the lower lever too.
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  • Hamtil Construction LLC Hamtil Construction LLC on Oct 26, 2012
    Thanks for the photos @Mary I. You have an issue here with the transition should you decide to tile over tile. Most times we reserve this method for places like bathrooms where the existing tile is set in a cement bed and would be a big project to remove it. If you can remove the tile and underlayment and start fresh, that is always the best choice in my opinion. First, the existing floor must be completely sound. If it is, then it is possible. Some installers may use an acid wash to "etch" the tile and promote a bond. I would say skip that step for several reasons. To create a rough surface for the new tile to stick, we would use an angle grinder with a diamond blade over the surface. Some may use a sander. Next, using a modified thinset mortar is important for bonding. If the floor is really uneven, skim coating it first, then tiling over that the next day is ok. Make sure before you start to check all doors, transitions, dishwasher, etc..(depending on location) to ensure the added height will not cause issues. For your stairs, the first impression I have is that if you tile over tile, you could stop the tile at the same location and then add a reducing transition strip against it that tapers down. I would probably not do this, however, given that it is the top of a staircase and may be a hazard. The best solution would be to remove the landing tread (4" wood piece at the the top of stairs) and raise it up to be flush with the new tile. This could be done by having a new landing tread milled from a thicker board, or adding thin plywood under the existing one. You will also have some additional trimwork around the stairs to address, so this may warrant a carpenter to address the situation for you. Hope that helps.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Oct 26, 2012
    Hamtil Construction, lol, I was hoping it would be easier than that ! Looks like thats one project I probably won't undertake myself. I may just wait and have someone remove the existing tile and replace it all. I bet I could remove it to cut down on the expense though :)
  • Hamtil Construction LLC Hamtil Construction LLC on Oct 26, 2012
    Ha! Yes, @Mary I. I thought that may be the case while I was writing all that out.. but still sometimes it does pay to tile over. Maybe not in your case. Tear out.. now that is another whole challenge as well.. IF it was installed well. Best of luck!
  • FloorNerd FloorNerd on Oct 26, 2012
    Mary's tile would definetly need to be deglazed. I wouldn't recomend it that way because of the hight at the top step has to be equal to the rest.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Oct 26, 2012
    The guy who owned/built the house before us was a real do-it-yourselver and not in a good way so I tend to think they were not put down right. He did a lot of the interior completion work himself.He's also the one who put the full wall mirrors in the dining room! I want to get those down but will probably wait until after the holidays and call a few glass installers to see if they remove mirrors. Thats a messy job I won't attempt myself.
  • you can easily deglaze tile by iamond grinding then place either epoxy or concrete,,, color won't affect either product,,, just be certain you select the correct material - some do not adhere well to tile's tight pores - ck w/manufacturer to be sure
  • Sherrie Sherrie on Dec 05, 2012
    I used a chipping hammer to take my old tile out. Messy but very effective.
  • Marcia Reichert Marcia Reichert on Feb 20, 2013
    Sounds like your creating a monster. Once you have messed up what you have you are committed to either continue or start over, and you'll probably have to start over. Do you have any old the flooring that you can experiment on? I'd just tear it out and rethink the whole project.
  • LandlightS LandlightS on Feb 21, 2013
    karen....have you considered a laminate floating floor? Easy to float over ceramic tile and you would only have to build up the stair nose, from what I see in your photos'. That can be easily accomplished by removing the stair nose and build up the level. If you don't like laminate, you can use an new engineered wood floor that is installed as a floating floor Have fun....Gary
  • Laura G Laura G on Mar 07, 2013
    DON'T DO IT! My sister did this and with all the traffic in the kitchen and moving the chairs in and out from under the table, it's been scraped off! Guess what shows up underneath, yep, your old floor!
  • The problem is that tile is very hard and you'll have an extremely difficult time getting anything to stick to it without proper preparation such as what Its Really Concrete, Inc