Macadam Contractor

Scott W
by Scott W
I want to have a true macadam drive installed and cannot find a contractor in the area that does this. Tar and chip is not macadam and the only contractor I know of that does the true process is in Rhode Island. The description of the process is at: (
True macadam looks like a gravel driveway but is much more durable and should cost about a 1/3 as much as asphalt. If there is someone that knows of a contractor, please let me know and thank you!
  4 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Oct 10, 2012
    I wrote an article on various types of drives... at my home I'm using a grey Crusher fines...this is a mix if sharp edge bits and finer sand and dust sized particles...when moistened and compacted it make a great surface. The beauty is is can be added to and "repaired" by the simple addition of a bit more. The pic below is last summers project of building a parking spot for my cargo trailer. This year I have expanded the "car parking" area near the house. I built a retaining wall and widened the spot about 5 feet or so.
    comment photo
  • Scott W Scott W on Oct 10, 2012
    I see that you didn't mention macadam in your article and that's not surprising given that it is more of an east coast application. The New Jersey Turnpike was originally paved as macadam although is being replaced over time. I'm looking for a contractor that knows how to install macadam in the Central NJ area.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Oct 10, 2012
    I'll tag @Woodbridge Environmental he is a New Jersery contact He might have some ideas...I'm 2000 miles away...LOL
  • I have nothing on this one. I think your going to have to educate a driveway contractor on how to do this, but I also think the issue is going to be that of permit issues. Most if not all driveway or road millings go back to be reprocessed to become a road somewhere else. Related driveway contractors cannot simply pull ones driveway up from one persons house, grind up the material and then place it back down on someone elses property. Because of the pollutants that are in the material it must be recycled. Heck you cannot even use busted up cement without having it inspected before it is placed down. I know of several people who did that to fill in low spots in their driveway only to be fined by the state for placing an unauthorized material down near a natural aquifer. Go figure! I suppose you can get a contractor to place several inches of base material down, then apply a layer of asphalt down, followed by crushed quarry stone or 1/4 inch gravel. It is pretty much the same process. You see the towns doing it a lot up near me every year. They take the stone and spread it down during the heat of the summer and then allow the cars to drive it into the soft surface. Then after a few weeks they come back with sweepers and pull the loose stuff off of the side of the road to reuse somewhere else. I will touch base with some of the driveway people I know of around me, but I doubt they would be willing to try to do this method, but may know of someone that does it.