Asked on Jan 16, 2015

Living room/dining room

by Suzanne
Hi. I recently added hardwoods and need a rug under D/R and L/R. I'd like an updated look, but have traditional furniture. Should I replace D/R set, too?
Dining room
Living room
I want to update but keep the gold/black picture. How do I incorporate this picture with a more updated look?
Also need a rug. I'm overwhelmed with the choices!
  25 answers
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 16, 2015
    Love your furnishings. Your rug can be on the more modern side in patter, etc. and not be discordant.
  • Suzette Trimmer Suzette Trimmer on Jan 16, 2015
    Should you decide to replace dining room set, keep me in mind I would take that off your hands in a nanosecond. Saying in other words, ( though I meant that ) it is a gorgeous dining room set. But regardless after time, often a long time, we all desire change, some like to change a lot at once, some go gradually, it is all up to the individual. You're layout from dining-room to living-room the new hardwood floors look fabulous. I see how bland it appears, currently & why you'd want to shake things up a tad or a ton. You could do numerous thing to change things up. Painting various walls different colors. Adding accents to compliment. You mentioned rugs also a great idea. How about curtains another decorating accent to consider. Warm your walls up by arranging pictures differently bring in more personality to the space. Do not be afraid to color outside the lines. It appears now like a show room, non-lived in. It needs your imagination to run wild. Do what 'you' want. Go ahead and try different things put whatever you think you might like in various areas of the space and leave them there for you to walk by, sit and look at, then gradually you get the momentum flying. You are very fortunate to have such a lovely canvas upon which to work.Sincerely the best of Luck and have fun!
  • Suzanne Suzanne on Jan 16, 2015
    You are very sweet and inspiring. Thank you!
    • Suzette Trimmer Suzette Trimmer on Jan 17, 2015
      @Suzanne, My pleasure entirely. You have a very good foundation of great taste when it comes to Traditional furniture, which translate into Classic & or, timeless. One rug no matter how big will not change the two rooms that much you'll need one rug for the dining room and perhaps another living room. However; I caution you to go up from there to walls. The chair rail I like, I even love the dove gray & the white accent however; it all comes across to, as someone below said it best "Monochromatic" and just sheer bland. But easily fixed and inexpensively at that. How about the introduction of plants, or perhaps you have a collection of something special. If so display your hobby in this area. Gives the space what it needs a personal touch. Delighted to assist anyone here.So many have helped me on occasions I owe it you to help when & where I can. I hope I have offered some inspiration, truly I do.
  • Diane Vaulner Diane Vaulner on Jan 16, 2015
    I would keep the lovely DR set, and throw an outrageously colored rug under it.
  • Myra Myra on Jan 16, 2015
    I like mixing vintage with newer pieces. Go for it! I have a similar dining suite from the 40s. My chairs are exactly like yours. I have too much sentimental value to get a new one.
  • Fran McCarty Fran McCarty on Jan 16, 2015
    There's a reason why we call some pieces of furniture traditional...because they are timeless. It's a beautiful set and is never outdated. If you want something different change the covering on the seats and add a rug under it. I love that picture. I would center it over the couch. Spruce up the couch with new throw pillows. The coffee table is too small. I would use a rug in front of the sofa and get a coffee table with a glass top and one that is more proportionate to the size of the couch.
    • Suzanne Suzanne on Jan 16, 2015
      Wow. That's some really good advise. Thanks so much! I never thought about the coffee table being to small, but that makes a lot of sense:)
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Jan 16, 2015
    Your current color scheme is "safe."...monochromatic, which isn't bad, just a bit bland. Folks often decorate in this manner because color/texture/geometric elements are intimidating. Just hold your nose and jump in and enjoy the rush. Now for some suggestions... A good-sized rug under the dining room table with some vibrant colors and an interesting pattern will go handsomely with your furniture. Change up the upholstery on the dining chairs to complement the rug. Buy the rug first. Then, add a nice silk floral arrangement with color and texture on the table. All three things will give some softness to the starkness of the floors, give some color to your room and update your beautiful furniture. Same for the living room. Add some color. And, yes, get a larger coffee table or add two square upholstered ottomans in front of the sofa to use like you would a coffee table. I can't get a feel for the size of your living room or the placement of the remaining furniture, but the recommended type rug would be one to create a socialization area. In other words, buy a rug large enough to define a conversation area, using the sofa and coffee table(s) and (unseen) occasional/arm chairs as the circle. No need to carpet the whole living room. Best advice I can offer is to take baby steps. Begin with the dining room and get your feet wet. You will probably be surprised how pleasantly different the room will look and ask yourself why you didn't take the plunge sooner. You'll be fine.
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Jan 16, 2015
    I don't think it matters, except I wouldn't go full-bore modern/abstract with it. Swirls of color or a nice geometric might work. I wouldn't recommend any hard decision until you see what is available. That way your mind will be open and something might appeal to you that might be unexpected.
  • Suzanne Suzanne on Jan 16, 2015
    Thank you so much. I really appreciate your input. I will start with the dining room. I just needed a push in the right direction. Will post an after pic when I'm finished:)
  • Hot air Hot air on Jan 17, 2015
    add a rug under the DR table will make a huge difference in the look - go the Maria Killman website and get some ideas or even pinterest
  • Laura Laura on Jan 17, 2015
    Oriental rugs are always timeless and classy. You can go to and get great prices and all different styles and price points. I have purchased 3 rugs from them and free quick shipping. Same rugs sold at out local high dollar store for half price.
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Jan 17, 2015
    No matter what kind of rug(s) you choose, make it a point to rotate them every 6 months. Even though you may think you might not have a risk of UV damage, it is surprising how much can enter even when windows are shaded by trees or draped with blinds or window treatments. We rotate ours the first weekend of January and, again, the first weekend in June. Just made a habit of it. It's cheap insurance against fading and fiber dmage.
  • Raelene Raelene on Jan 17, 2015
    I love your furniture. It has good bones to it. I would pick up a couple of rugs with coordinating colors you love. One for under the table and one for the front of the sofa. The dinning room rug could have a pattern that would somewhat repeat the pattern of the chairs. I would then paint the chairs and the legs of the table with one of the colors in the rug, leaving the top of the table as it is. Then add coordinating pattern and color on the chair covers. You could also paint the lamp by the sofa with a pop of one of the colors. Who knows where else you might add a little color, perhaps an accent wall. You have good furniture, so don't get rid of it. Add some of the color and pattern to the sofa with pillows. You will be surprised how it will update your look. You can always call a stager in for ideas. It won't cost nearly as much as a designer.
  • Myrna Engle Myrna Engle on Jan 17, 2015
    I think -- paint side tables like coffee table. Enjoy your dining table for many more years. It looks expensive. (Updated) sometimes goes to far. I feel I would buy vintage oriental wool rugs and be sure to use rug pad. They add class because some are very expensive some are dirt cheap and no one can tell the difference. Be very careful of color. They do come in a wide array though you see a wineish red most often. Consider papering far wall in Dining room and then placing a good mirror or classy piece of artwork on the paper. It would add depth by layers.
  • Kristi Kristi on Jan 17, 2015
    I love the furniture you have. I think that I would add a couple of rugs. Maybe some new throw pillows and a new coffee table that is the proper size for the sofa. Your furnitur is taditional. That means it never goes out of style. The floors are gorgeous, but a beautiful rug will just punch them up a bit. You have great taste.
  • NanaPam NanaPam on Jan 17, 2015
    I recently added a living room rug that completely changed and improved the room. I went to our local discount carpet place, bought a remnant, and had it custom bound. (The binding place picked up the piece at the carpet shop, and delivered it finished to my home, Larger cities have carpet places that do binding in house.) This way, I was able to get a very large size, just the size I wanted, for lots less than ordering from an online place. Doing it this way would allow you to try out a color swatch in your home with the lighting, walls, etc., to see if you like the look.
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Jan 18, 2015
    Don't make the mistake of putting a too small rug under the dining table. You have to take into consideration that when using the table, you have to move the chairs in and out to be seated or leave the table. You have plenty of room in your dining room to place an adequately-sized rug. Too many people forget that the rug has to be "user friendly" and not just pretty. Unless, of course, you don't use your dining room. Then it wouldn't matter ow large or small the rug is. Believe it or not, there are people like that in this world.
  • Suzanne Suzanne on Jan 21, 2015
    Ok this is my first attempt at picking a rug. What do you think? Do I need more color? I think I'm afraid of color!
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    • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 22, 2015
      @Suzanne Goes very well. I like Middle Eastern rugs with deeper colours to help ground a room and provide colours for accessories. However, these colours provide harmony. You can always accessorize with pops of colour - big turquoise glass bowl for the table, etc.
  • LibrarianTellsAll LibrarianTellsAll on Jan 23, 2015
    I LOVE your shield back chairs! You're going to think I'm crazy, but I imagine the dining room updated with a fresh, pretty preppy style and happy colors. Think Kate Spade. First, I'd reupholster the chairs with crisp black and white striped seats. I'd sell the mirror and scroll shaped metal wall things on Craigslist, and use the money to buy a big round mirror with a simple frame, perhaps in white to match the chair rail. I'd update the chandelier with this: I'd add a happy pop of color with a colorful, floral rug like this: Then I'd hang floor-to-ceiling linen curtain panels in the greenish-yellow citron color that's in the rug and put a big vase of fresh flowers on the table. Can you imagine it?
  • Suzanne Suzanne on Jan 23, 2015
    I don't think your crazy. Thank you, you really did some homework. I'm going to look at all those sites and see if I can get in your head. Very much appreciated:))
  • Raelene Raelene on Jan 23, 2015
    Good job on the pattern in your rug! If you are afraid of color add a little in something like in a table runner or an arrangement on the table and pull out those same colors in pillows on your sofa. Your monotone colors are very rich and the rug really adds dimension. Good Job!
  • Lisa J. Lisa J. on Mar 29, 2015
    I like the rug you chose. As someone else mentioned, choose a rug with similar colors for the LR. Then you can add decorative accents and throw pillows in accent colors. Some Oriental ginger jars in a grouping or one large one would be nice in the middle of your dining table. While I like vintage/antique furniture, I think that two upholstered chairs in cream (like Parson's) would look nice at the head of your table go give it an updated look.
  • Nancy Nancy on Mar 29, 2015
    Beautiful floor, add rugs with some color and maybe choose one of the colors in the rug for dining room chair upholstery. Its very easy to recover chairs. Choose another color in the rug for some new sofa pillows. Stick to three basic accent colors. Tie both rooms together with the accent colors. Both rugs should not exactly match but should be in the same color family since you are a bit timid to add too much color. Add some lovely plates in those plate hangers. i would suggest moving that picture in the living room and too large over the lamp. Can you use it in the dining room? It seems out of place. A large painting over the sofa would be nice. Your coffee table is also a bit small. Take it a step at a time and you will be successful. Your rooms are going to be lovely. Don't buy a new dining room set. Small accessory changes and new rugs will make you happy and not break your budget. Good luck.
  • Nancy Nancy on Mar 29, 2015
    I like your rug choice. Now accessorize (see my other post for some suggestions) with some color and the room will be gorgeous.
  • Angel Morris Angel Morris on Mar 29, 2015
    The dining room rug is perfect! As for that gold and black pic, don't do anything to it, just move it to the center of the sofa and bring the pictures that are at the far right over next to it, stacked just like they are. Add something maybe long and narrow vertically on the left side of it. A sconce, perhaps? Also, a couple of nice green plants would add some color and softness to both rooms. When choosing a living room rug, don't veer too far from what you have in the dining room, maybe same color, different pattern. The rooms are really beautiful now, you are on the right track!