Asked on Mar 28, 2015

Narrow door

My linen closet door is very narrow, allowing only 13" for back of door storage (to supplement the inside shelving). There is at least 10" of clearance, so toilet tissue, extra towels, tools, and etc. would easily fit. Also, I rent, so I need something inexpensive and with a minimum of hardware. Most pocket organizers, which would be ideal, are at least 19" so would not work. As you can see, there's way too much stuff on the floor!
Need back of door storage ideas!
  6 answers
  • Em Hooper Em Hooper on Mar 29, 2015
    The present shelves are not deep enough. Easiest fix is to get boards to add to what's there already, making them deeper. The side supports are in place, so why mess with the door when you don't have to.........
    • Mad About Design Mad About Design on Mar 29, 2015
      That's true. I assume that when the house was built, they were trying to allow room for a tall vacuum cleaner, brooms, etc. But I chose to put those in another place. I will certainly consider your suggestion. Thanks.
  • Darla Darla on Mar 29, 2015
    You can get a cheap plastic pocket organizer, and cut off one column of the pockets to make it fit.
  • Paula K Paula K on Mar 29, 2015
    I use curtains on a lot of those kind of applications where the door is in the way. Nice sheers do a good job.
    • Mad About Design Mad About Design on Mar 29, 2015
      Thanks, Paula. Separating my kitchen and converted garage that houses a laundry area, a pantry, a craft area, table to play board games, as well as garage storage shelves, the "clutter" was depressing to look at from the kitchen, so I hung a textured white sheer panel on a lightweight spring rod! Now I can only see shadows, or less depending on time of day. Great! However I am not understanding how your suggestion can help with my closet storage issue in my linen closet. Maybe I am missing something?
  • Paula K Paula K on Mar 29, 2015
    I assumed that it was a door causing the blockage. I've had that problem in the past. That's all I meant.
  • Trash Find Redesigned Trash Find Redesigned on Mar 30, 2015
    Hi! I had that problem in my previous home. Same size closet as yours. I just took the lower shelf off and put it above bumped up to one of the upper shelves (which made that shelf deeper). Now I had more floor space and I placed a little rolling cart in there which had drawers in it. The rolling cart was perfect for soaps, razors, washclothes, and other bathroom items!
  • Mad About Design Mad About Design on Apr 03, 2015
    Thanks to all!! Here's the result of the option I chose. And Darla, all I had to do with this pocket organizer was to fold it back. Did not have to cut anything, and I love the results! It gors the entire length of my door, but can't get far enough to show that in the picture.
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