Asked on Mar 31, 2015

Looking for covering for bottom half of screen on patio

by Kelleigh
Hello everyone!! My husband and I are trying to look for something that we can use to attach to the bottom half of our screen to block some of the view. We are just trying to keep our cats from being able to see other animals in the yard as well as any neighbor's cats/strays that may occasionally wander back there. We really appreciate any suggestions you may have, thank you so much!!
  13 answers
  • Debbie Stillwell Debbie Stillwell on Apr 01, 2015
    Had same issues. Add to that our dog who would constantly be assisting the "great escape" of all three. We bought the plastic lattice and attached it to the bottom section only all around the screen room. No more screen replacements and pets much happier too.
  • Jackie Koepnick Jackie Koepnick on Apr 01, 2015
    lattice would be wonderful if you need more blockage take a weather resistance material in a tropical or whatever you decorate with and staple to the back no more see through
  • Judy Gray Judy Gray on Apr 01, 2015
    @Kelleigh, We used light weight metal roofing sheets to keep our escape artist Westie in. That was 10 years ago and it is still looking good. The lattice only lasted one season and everything else we tried didn't work at all.
  • Pamela N Pamela N on Apr 01, 2015
    I used vinyl matchstick blinds. I attached them w zip ties (small holes in screen part) unfolded them horizontally rather than the way they are made to work (vertically). Resting on the pool deck. Lightweight and cheap, figured I could easily replace them but they have worked out and still look good. The wind can still blow through which is nice and not as expensive as lattice, which is on the bucket list.
  • Ellen Killeen Kroliczak Ellen Killeen Kroliczak on Apr 01, 2015
    Curtain tension rods with cafe curtains
  • Lynn Wall Lynn Wall on Apr 02, 2015
    The plastic/vinyl lattice sound like a great idea, but attach it to the outside of the screen, not the pool side. Nice backdrop for any plants you have around the screened in pool.
  • Vicki LB Vicki LB on Apr 05, 2015
    Corrugated plastic sheets, cut to size. You could paint them to match or bright colors would look nice. If you cut them to fit snug, u could push them inside the frame work, that way, you could replace them if ever needed. I would use that spray paint for plastic outdoor furniture. It comes in 4 x 8 sheets, and I don't think it's very expensive. It would even look nice if you left it white. Would look like it's frosted.
  • Janet Raffa Janet Raffa on May 31, 2016
    They do make{ no see ums screens} for pool cages. I have them
  • Sandy Triplett Sandy Triplett on Mar 28, 2018

    How would I attach the lattice to the frame of the pool screen.

  • Sandy Triplett Sandy Triplett on Oct 11, 2018

    No one replied. Any ideas would be helpful. They are just leaning up there right now and the Florida breeze knocks them down....alot

  • Debbie Yarb Debbie Yarb on Dec 15, 2019

    you could pre-drill a small hole into the lattice and screw it right to the aluminum frame at a couple of places on each side with metal screws if your lattice is wide enough to cover some of the frame instead of just the screen

  • Lisa Hunt Lisa Hunt on May 17, 2020

    I know lattice can look really pretty, so don't everyone go and attack me for saying this, but, honestly, lattice always looks so cheap to me. As a native Floridian, I always associate lattice with mobile homes (where they use it to cover the gap by the ground. It is just a bias I have developed over the years.

    I have been looking for ideas for a friend who has a screened in porch but a big dog who pushes right through it to chase squirrels (because she is too excited to see or remember there is a screen) . Since you don't really need something structural enough to support weight, you could just use very thin strips of wood (painted white) or vinyl nailed or screwed to outside of posts and then add a trim piece to cover the seams.

    Or, if you want to spend some money, you can always by decorative railings.

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  • Madeline Leek Woodard Madeline Leek Woodard on May 23, 2020

    Where can I buy decorative railings?