Center piece ideas

Kelly vriesema
by Kelly vriesema
I'm looking for cute ideas for center pieces for a country themed bridal shower.
  10 answers
  • Blessings and Blossoms Blessings and Blossoms on Jul 14, 2015
    I have lots of Mason jars in my etsy shop, BlessingsandBobbins.
  • Gjpatchs Gjpatchs on Jul 14, 2015
    Just saw someone who decorated cowboy boots with flowers.
    • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on Jul 15, 2015
      @Gjpatchs I've done that! Put a tall, narrow vase in each boot and then add water and tall flowers. So cute!
  • Sharon haynes Sharon haynes on Jul 14, 2015
    Mason jars with burlap strip around the middle, fill with real flowers, daisie are nice or fake burlap one, no water to spill. You can also use a small tree, cut to a certain hieght and put a candle one with burlap bow, you"ll get the idea.
  • Robin M Robin M on Jul 14, 2015
    Baby hay bales, with silk flowers sticking out of it or around the bottom of it. You could also add the battery operated votive candles in small votive cups. I've used larger flowers for votive cups.
    • Samantha Samantha on Jul 15, 2015
      @Robin M I've seen a version of this and it was super cute!! I would be conscious of where the shower is being hosted, though, as they made a huge mess during clean-up. If it's at a hall/church/restaurant, they may not appreciate it.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Jul 14, 2015
    I was at a wedding where hollowed out branch logs held dried flowers. and were wrapped with raffia ribbon. it was cute and unique.
  • Sheila D Sheila D on Jul 20, 2015
    Craft store metal buckets, wheelbarrows or watering cans filled with artificial or fresh flowers and bows/ribbons of choice.
  • Wendy turley Wendy turley on Jul 24, 2015
    I did my sisters with mason jars, burlap around them and then ribbons around that with colors of her wedding. Simple mix of wild flowers in the jars on tables and then I put tea lights jelly jars. I will try to find pics
  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Jul 25, 2015
    place a small vase of glass inside a child's boot. Use as a vase for flowers
    comment photo
  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Jul 25, 2015
    for a kitchen shower use a vase inside a colander or a piece of blue enmel tinware
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