Looking for ideas on adding curb appeal to a rural area country home

by Andrea
I am in desperate need of some simple gardens, thinking a bit of about a picket fence and arbor on the far side of the home. I am open to all ideas and would love your input with keeping cohesive with the rural mountain landscape and roaming deer. Grassy lawns and lush gardens are not an option (although the picture looks like it) lots of deer to consider too.Thanks.
  8 answers
  • Rachel Z Rachel Z on Jul 17, 2015
    Vibrant flowers are a must. Plus hanging baskets on the porch...
  • Angie moses Angie moses on Jul 17, 2015
    Have you considered putting window boxes on the porch railing? Just thought if you have a lot of deer that flowers are less likely to be eaten.
    • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Jul 22, 2015
      We don't have any deer here suburban Sydney (Aust.).Foxes sometimes in bushy areas. Even if you put flower boxes on the front veranda railings, wouldn't the deer still come in and have a 'feast'? They stand on their hind legs and stretch. (Obviously I don't know what they like to eat). Do you have some sort of plants that are repellent to deers, i.e. taste wise, or too sharp to eat? Maybe something with thorns? Or do deers have a 'hard' mouth? Like camels? I think camels eat 'thorn bush'???My husband, who has been to the USA several times, and stayed with people in the country, they have 7' high fences to keep the deer out. But. I can't imagine you would want this. Maybe just have a lovely lawn in the front garden. Have fences/gates to the back garden, and then just indulge your plant fantasy. Is there some sort of 'smell/aroma/pungent scent that deers don't like (without being toxic). Me, myself, I would be so happy to have beautiful wild animals in the garden. They could eat anything they want. It would be a privilege.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jul 19, 2015
    I recently received a mandevilla plant,it loves the sun and a lot of water. I have it growing like crazy on my front porch post.the deer will not climb the stairs to eat it,and it has made a big difference on my home entrance,plus I now have hummingbirds visiting me. Mandevillas have large pink or red flowers.
    • See 1 previous
    • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jul 22, 2015
      I keep it at the top of 3 steps.I have seen them stand on their hind legs to reach figs off off trees.
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Jul 20, 2015
    If the soil in front of the porch is not good for growing hedges or flowers you could use hanging baskets of flowers and green, trailing plants and use window boxes on the porch railing.Please post a picture when you decide:)
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Jul 20, 2015
    By the way, you have a lovely home!!I've lived in suburbia all my life and its so boring and cookie-cutter!
  • Lori Lori on Jul 21, 2015
    Awesome verandah. I would try to find a small slow growing shrub that deer aren't partial to for the row in front, something that stays green all year, then go with all the other wonderful suggestions. You will have fun at Christmas, your house is made for decorating.
  • Ann Ann on Jul 22, 2015
    Hanging baskets that the deer can't reach and try some rail planters. Your porch is wonderful. When we lived in the mountains the deer would come up on our deck to eat so we went with plants they disliked. Miniature vinca and needlepoint ivy kept our railing planters pretty and I tried different flowers to thwart the deer. They did not like catmint or tickseed coreopsis. Flank your stairs with some large planters for some showstopper displays. In Autumn you could do mums and pumpkins. In winter add cedar and fir boughs to your deck railings. Also, a non plant option are garlands and lots of them for different seasons and occasions. Please post photos when you're done, your home is already lovely and we'd love to see your progress.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Jul 22, 2015
    Color makes a big difference especially with a gray or light colored house.This is really the first year in 5 that I have really decorated my front porch.I have really enjoyed sitting out here this summer when is is not so hot.it is not finished yet,this pic was taken before my hanging plants are up. Will post another when I get it finished!I have been also putting up different starburst mirrors which seem to give it more visual interest.Still needs a few more things,ie.area rug,drapes,????
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