Need help with paint colors...

Hello, I am trying to come up with paint colors for my is the dilemma:
My kitchens sits on one side of the entry way with a large archway going between the two. My kitchen is barn red with light colored knotty pine cabinets. I have painted the door in my kitchen/dining room barn red with the window trim and door knobs painted black hammered metal and I have white cabinets. So basically a barn red, black and white color pallet. I also have a lot of tin pieces that I have just picked up to add to my kitchen decor and my other decor items in that room are farm themed.
My living room is on the other side of my entryway and I am in the process of redoing that room, the colors are a dark brown, a medium tan and some splashes are barn red. I am using canvas drop cloths to make the curtains from in that room and I have lots of baskets and burlap and twine accents in this room.
Now, back to the entryway. It is 9 feet wide and 30 feet long connecting the old part of our house which is now the kitchen and dining room to the newer part of our house making it a tri level. It goes down 3 feet to our living room and then up 8 feet to our upstairs where
the bedrooms are. There is an entry door at both ends of this room, one goes to our front yard the other goes to our back yard. It also has a high cathedral style ceiling.I have a couple color ideas in mind but would love some suggestions from others before I make up my mind.There is one thing that can't really be changed in that room. There is white ceramic tile on the floor with very grungy white grout. I am going to solve the grout problem by getting a colored stain and staining it but the white tile is there to stay.I was originally thinking that I would paint the walls a sage green color, the doors brown and then painting the window trim on the doors a terra cotta color and then either using a brown or terra cotta stain to stain the grout on the floor.I want to incorporate some twine and burlap decor in this room and I have some garden themed decor for this room.Any thoughts and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I want to be sure I make the right color choices this time around as I don't want to repaint this room again any time soon.Thanks for any ideas anyone is willing to share!Christi
Current entryway door waiting for paint, also shows white tile and grout.
Kitchen/Dining Room Door - barn red with black hammered metal trim and door knobs
just a snapshot of the galvanized items that I picked up to use in my kitchen decor.
  7 answers
  • on Jul 27, 2015
    Hello Christi: Picking the perfect paint color can be tough. This post provides some solid advice:
  • C C on Jul 27, 2015
    Sounds like you have a lot of color in your home {I do too} You may want to think of your entry as a 'neutral' starting point to the rest of your home. I went with grey in our home. Our door opens directly into our living room, so I did the whole living room in grey, but with lots of natural wood & a charcoal brown couch & pops of red throughout. We also have a large opening, so you can see the kitchen/dining area. Those pops of red tie into the barn red we have in the kitchen/dining area
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  • Bsq1746019 Bsq1746019 on Jul 28, 2015
    Side the walls with corrugated tin. And then paint the doors with the brown color from your living room keeping your barn yard theme
  • Dawn Mertz Dawn Mertz on Jul 28, 2015
    I would paint the door the brown from your living room, paint the walls a lighter brown then use barn red as accent color on storage baskets, hooks, etc. to add pops of color, and make it inviting. A white or black bench with red/white/black prints on cushion, and pillows for shoe/boot removal by the door with red or brown baskets underneath would go great too.
  • LD LD on Jul 29, 2015
    Christi you have a lot of colors in the rooms leading off of this long hallway, so you should go with a light neutral color on the walls and door in order to give the space a feeling of light and big. Bring in splashes of color in your accessories from the rooms that feed off of this hallway thereby giving the hallway seamless connection to the other rooms.
  • Lynn Curry Lynn Curry on Jul 29, 2015
    Home Depot has an APP for your phone, enabling you to see what the color would like on your walls.
  • Bananas! Bananas! on Jul 31, 2015
    Pale! pale grey with undertone of green