Can a built in bathtub be taken out and replaced with a free standing

by Kdb33062535
I just bought a new home and I would love to take the bathtub out and replace it with a free standing tub. Can this be done? Is it very costly? Please help.icon

  4 answers
  • Nan W. Nan W. on Apr 27, 2018

    Yes, but as I found out --- there is a lot to replacing it --- including where the water goes down the drain!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 27, 2018

    Hi Kdbryant59,

    I don't see any reason why this couldn't be done, but unless you have a lot of skills, you might consider a professional. If your current tub is in an alcove, you'll need a shorter freestanding tub. Plumbing will need to be changed as of course, will the walls surrounding the tub. There are a lot of little things that might need to be repaired or replaced. Do you have the skills for that? Will it be expensive? I think that depends on what you mean by expensive. To one person, $1,000 is expensive to another person 10,000 is expensive. It's hard to give a final figure when you consider all of the work that might need to be done because no one knows what's behind the walls or under the current tub. If I was doing this, I'd get estimates from at least 3 professional contractors, then think about how much I could do myself and if there are parts that I would need a professional to do. For example, you might be able to remove the current tub but not know exactly if or how to move the plumbing. I found another Q & A on this topic that has some good answers. Click below to read what other people have to say about this process.

    • Kdb33062535 Kdb33062535 on Apr 27, 2018

      Thank Linda! I will check out the link. I am so excited to get my free-standing tub installed.

  • Kim Kim on Apr 27, 2018

    I'm pretty sure you can, you'll probably have to put new floor down. Unless you can match existing floor...good luck to you

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Apr 27, 2018

    I had the same situation --- the drain was needed in a different place for the shower pans! (Usually in the middle of the shower)