How do I update an existing vinyl/plastic builder-grade shower/tub?

by Darla
Any inexpensive/relatively easy ideas on how I can update our stock vinyl shower/bath? We're planning to sell this house and I really don't want to invest a lot of time or money.
  5 answers
  • Jeanetteann Jeanetteann on Jan 06, 2015
    We moved into our 1910 house 20years ago and it had an old metal bath that the previous owners had painted. After only months the paint started to peal off. As the bath was lovely and deep we decided to get it sprayed by a professional, but before we did we visited a show room for home reno's and discovered that we could get an insert put into the existing bath. It has worked beautifully and is still good after all these years. It cost $500 at the time and was well worth it. oh and they make to measure so it will fit any bath and they install it.
  • Jaxon Jaxon on Jan 06, 2015
    an easy fix could be just cutting off the top part of the surround and then do some tile work. Depending on what kind they used you may be better off just taking it out and replacing it with a tub and some tile work. Some of the builder shower/tubs can leave a gap if you cut the top section off. For me, I wouldn't care about the gap. I'd make a shelf! We did something similar for our guest bathroom. Total cost: under $200
  • Diane Sterling Diane Sterling on Jan 06, 2015
    You can put some beadboard along the face and then place regular curtains at the ceiling that hang down on each side (swag or not, treat the tub like a window in the bath). That can really provide some class for a standard tub. I have also seen mosaic on the face, but that was personally too busy for my taste. But curtain is the lowest $$ and easiest solution.
  • Darlenecowell Darlenecowell on Jan 06, 2015
    I used some Liquid Glue and placed mosaic tiles around the top of the surround. I then glued some of the same tiles to the back of the vanity. It looks really nice.
  • Ruidoso Ruidoso on Jan 06, 2015
    Please be careful in doing this. You could be caught with something vile like what was in our rental home. It was plastic and a painted tub insert. What a disappointment after a few showers and the humidity of a bathroom! I was lucky that my new husband could take it all out and replace it with beautiful tile work;-)