No wash-hands basin in my bathroom

by Teresa
I have a small bathroom which just houses our bath and wash hand basin and then I have a separate toilet in a very tiny room next door, this room has no basin, other than knocking the rooms through, does anyone have any suggestions?
  7 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 21, 2016
    If you have a water supply to that bathroom, you need to investigate small, wall hung sinks...they even make them to fit in corners!
    • Teresa Teresa on Mar 21, 2016
      Thank you for your thoughts Jeanette, I have looked at corner wash hand basins before I didn't realise that they made them that small now. Thank you again. ☺ Teresa
  • Amanda Amanda on Mar 21, 2016
    I had the same problem in the last place I lived which was rented. I did the simplest solution which was to have a container of gel cleanser in there. While I'm not a big fan of chemicals it was hygienic. If it's your own home you might want to look into a space saver toilet with a sink above it, the sink water is re-used to flush the toilet so it also saves water xx
    • See 1 previous
    • Amanda Amanda on Mar 22, 2016
      You're welcome xx
  • Lynn Palmatier Lynn Palmatier on Mar 21, 2016
    Ah! You have a water closet. Is there really enough room for a wall sink? The one thing you need to think about is how much it will cost plumbing wise to put even a miniature sink in that room. Is the water closet actually within the bathroom you mentioned or completely separate? Strange setup if it is two different doors on a hallway. Sounds like you are thinking of an RV sized sink. If you still want the sink after the cost of putting pipes where you want you sink, one other thing to think about is to find a place that recycles vintage wall sinks. Sometime they were small and just hung on the wall.
  • Marcia Strode Marcia Strode on Mar 21, 2016
    They actually make small corner toilets, too--at one, if not both, the big box stores--not all that expensive or I wouldn't have given it a 2nd thought. Not sure how your plumbing is set up, but I have an actual closet in my finished attic space that these fixtures will work in, if set at opposite corners. For me the big cost is getting ANY plumbing to that floor--sounds like for you, the bigger part is done.
  • Vicenta Camiro Vicenta Camiro on Mar 21, 2016
    If you have some space in a corner look for a bar tool cut out a circle bigh enought to fit a nice ceramic bowl..insert the bowl in to the hole and place the bar tool in the corner of your bathroom. You can place a small piece of wood between the legs of the bar tool and have a jar with water under the tool like if this were an antique basin.
    comment photo
  • LindaK LindaK on Mar 22, 2016
    In the U.S. many homes are built with a water closet within the larger bathroom. A sink is right outside the door, can't see an issue.
  • Teresa Teresa on Mar 22, 2016
    We have sourced an outlet which sells the toilet/sink combined. Thank you so much everyone for great practical ideas, really do appreciate it. Teresa