I need to turn a bedroom into a playroom with a place, (shelving.)

Lavella Wilson
by Lavella Wilson
I want shelves at a 7 year olds eye level all around the room. Need quick and easy ideas.
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 14, 2017

    Use plastic crated zip-tied together and stackable

  • CJ CJ on Jun 14, 2017

    Turn book cases on its side for storage..

  • Dj Dj on Jun 14, 2017

     I would use shelves similar to these with smaller baskets so the children can organize and put away toys when they are done with them. They would be inexpensive and help with the clean up .

  • Claudia Nunn Claudia Nunn on Jun 14, 2017

    lol The 7 year old's eye level got me. I'm a mom of 4 very grown children and I tried so many things to get them to be "neater" it is a battle my friend. I had storage containers, I even put a peg board wall in my daughters room once because when we were at Walmart she always straightened the toys out! It did not work. I decided to ask them how they could help themselves be neater so mom could do her job (sweep, mop, dust and vacuum) easier and it was like a light went on in their little brains. Even though they saw me doing it I don't think it registered that it was my job. They got better after that. My favorite line involving the raising of children is "Don't take it personally." they are not intentionally trying to make your life miserable or plotting against you. They are little humans finding their way in this world like we all are. They don't know a lot of stuff yet so give them all the tools you can (sympathy, compassion, awareness come to mind). Sorry for babbling so much.  I just love kids and it's such a hard job raising them but worth it.

  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jun 14, 2017

    You could do pallet crates - attach a few of them together