Asked on Jan 19, 2017

I want to make a small storage structure with old poles- help please?

Sandy Slade
by Sandy Slade
Hi, I have had 6 metal poles greenhouses over the years and have kept all the poles and connectors. I thinking of making a small storage with the metal poles and connectors and then drilling through the metal poles and attaching wood struts with bolts to house maybe a bike. In my head it sounds easy enough. Has anyone ever done this or seen or any other suggestions very grateful. Thank you
  2 answers
  • J Elaine Baker J Elaine Baker on Jan 21, 2017

    Probably the easiest way to make a storage from metal poles is by purchasing the corrugated plastic panels sold at farmer's supply stores. You can drill holes in poles at top and bottom, use zip ties to secure the plastic panel and have a structure up within a single afternoon. Once you turn to wooden construction, the weight becomes an issue. Most metal poles are not all that strong and can be far less strong once drilled with holes. The more holes, the less tensile strength. Good luck with your project!

  • Coolfurniturelady Coolfurniturelady on Jan 21, 2017

    A friend had a similar project and he sewed Tyvek panels together with some thin nylon webbing sewn into the corners to tie it on the frame and put grommets around the bottom for more ties or tent stakes. He even made a door out of the Tyvek that he could secure from the outside. I think he used a nylon tarp as the base.