How can I remove built in shelves?

by Dishay

I am wanting to reposition shelves so I’m able to organize only bathroom in house of four

  7 answers
  • William William on May 04, 2019

    The one shelf has door catches to keep the doors closed. Leave that one in place. The other shelves should be removable but not always. If they are fixed more likely they are either screwed or stapled to the sides. You can gently strike them from underneath with a hammer. Since they are particle board they will get damaged. You will need to replace them if they do. Then you can thin wood on the sides for shelf supports. You can also drilol holes for plastic or metal shelf brackets on the sides to really make shelves adjustable.

    • Dishay Dishay on May 04, 2019

      thank you, there’s 4 doors and two are hanging off the hinges. I have two sons and they never closes them. So when entering the bathroom the door slams into the door

  • I agree with William, I would remove the shelving in there and toss it and start over with new wood, cut to correct size (measure before removing the old shelves) and use shelf supports. I would give the entire closet a fresh coat of paint and maybe even paint the new wooden shelves. I would measure exactly where the shelves are with the door catches and replace them on the new shelf. Good luck!

  • Deb K Deb K on May 04, 2019

    Hi, have you thought a out just adding a few more shelves and some boxes instead? It may make it easier for you

  • Cherry Cherry on May 04, 2019

    Had one bathroom with "9" people !!!!!:-( :-(

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 13, 2022

    Cut them out as required or start again with your own shelving., or add brackets to take additional shelves or maybe pegs to take floating shelves?