I am wondering if you can trowel cement/concrete onto the shower walls

by Suelane
There is backer board, it will need the orange waterproofing membrane put on that but instead of installing tiles or a tub surround, can cement be troweled on to the walls to give it more of an industrial look? Has anyone done it and how has it lasted?

  5 answers
  • Gail Gail on Apr 06, 2018

    I don’t see why not. Consider sanding it after it’s installed and has dried in. There are also stains you can add to the cement. Make sure you seal it, maybe with an epoxy.

  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Apr 06, 2018

    Cement is usually too liquid to trowel on and stay in place. I believe you can purchase cement panels premade and attach them to your walls. Check with your local Home Depot or Lowes.

    • Suelane Suelane on Apr 06, 2018

      Thank you. I haven't seen cement panels other than the backerboards, I will look into that. It would be easier and not as messy if it is something I can get here.

  • Tanya Tanya on Apr 07, 2018

    Yes I have done several concrete showers , they are easy and stunning. if you already have backer board on the next step would be to first go around all of the seams with silicone caulking, filling in every gap and seam. then make sure to tape all of the joints simalar to what you do with Sheetrock, using the self sticking tape. Then apply a really good coating of red guard sealer ( home depo in the tile erea) making sure every speck is well coated ,!especially the corners. once that is dry, get your concrete without rock . I use Henry brand in the feather finish , it comes in a small box in your tile area at home depot. I mix it with water in small batches ( it sets up fast) to a peanut butter consistency, I start in the corners and then work out from there using a Sheetrock spatchula . Holding my spatchula at about a 45 or sharper angle I apply very thin layers . One coat at a time . the first coat will look like it is barely on. then another coat over that applying lots of presure to make sure I get a very smooth surface , if you need so sand lightly do so but make sure not to go through as you don’t want to remove the red guard water barrier underneath. Final step seal with a good concrete sealer. Tanya Kern

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    • See 3 previous
    • Chris B Chris B on Jan 12, 2020

      Hi Tanya can Henry feather coating be used on top of already existing ceramic tile on shower walls? Thanks!


  • Suelane Suelane on Apr 07, 2018

    Thanks Tanya! That was great! I am printing it out!

    • See 2 previous
    • Tanya Tanya on Jan 12, 2020

      I have it in my rental cabin so you know it holds up really well with renters, the key is the sealer, sealing it well and letting it dry completely between coats 2-3 coats works great it's easy to apply and smells good too

  • Suelane Suelane on Jan 07, 2019

    Hi Dru Ann, I haven't done anything yet. Some other projects came up that were more important. I liked Tanya's instructions above. I don't live near a Home Depot so have to make a trip out of town. I still would like to consider the concrete as an option rather than a pre-fab surround.

    I hope you can figure out if you would like to do it, too.
