How to clean a micowave oven after an inside fire?

by Shirley
  4 answers
  • Shirley Shirley on Apr 27, 2019

    I would love to hear some quick tips, Thanks.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Apr 27, 2019

    Bless your heart. I hope nothing serious happened. Spray the microwave inside with vinegar and water and a little squirt of Dawn in a spray bottle. The vinegar will remove any stain, other grease or food, and any bad odor. The Dawn is a degreaser and the water is just needed to make the rest rinse off. After the spray has soaked in for a while, scrub any stubborn spots and rinse and wipe the inside. If ANY spots have burned through the ceramic or plastic sides, DO NOT USE THE MICROWAVE. either replace it or have a certified dealer check it out. It’s just not worth the danger for you to mess with it when you can replace it relatively inexpensively. And most of us need to clean our microwaves more often. Best wishes!

    • Shirley Shirley on Apr 28, 2019

      Thank you so much. I experimented with white vinegar and oil. I have some of it removed. I will experiement with your receiipe. Thanks so much.



  • Leah Leah on May 01, 2019

    Krud Kutter original cocentrate