How can I make my fiberglass shower shine like new?

by Deb

I clean it with bubble bathroom cleaner. I have even used Gel-Gloss on it to try to maintain the shine. Do you have any ideas as to what if anything else I could use to give it back it natural lustrous shine?

  4 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Feb 28, 2019

    Hi Deb,

    Some people use lemon juice as a cleaner. Others, like me, use equal parts of water & vinegar with a few drops of Dawn. If it's a film that is making your shower look dull, try wetting the shower the dip a sponge into baking soda and wipe the walls in a circular motion. Do in small areas so that the shower stays wet. Next spray on the vinegar mix cleaner and let it sit for a while. After it sits a while, rinse it with clear, cold water and it should sparkle. Wishing you the best..

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Feb 28, 2019

    If it's clean of soap skim and still filling, it's just aging and looking it's luster.

  • Deb Deb on Mar 01, 2019

    Hi Kelli, Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I shall try your solutions and give it a go. Nothing better than natural cleansers to do the trick. I printed it out and will put it to the test. Thanks..!!

  • Diana blaine Diana blaine on Mar 02, 2019

    Don't scrub it with soap, use vinegar and water equal parts, spray in down and let sit for 10-15 minutes(be generous with spray) Wipe or scrub if you have to, you'll never have to clean it again, basically. spray it down with RainX, seriously, the stuff you'd apply to the windshield of your car. Now once a week clean your tub or shower area, but you won/t have to do anything. but spraying your glass or tile down. It keeps soap scum, etc. from sticking. Give it a try.