How to make a DIY laundry detergent that will clean grease?

by Early

Husband is auto mechanic, I need a homemade laundry detergent that will actually remove grease stains and clean his smelly workclothes, I'm desperate!

  6 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Apr 26, 2019

    I wouldn't classify this as laundry detergent, but rather a hack. When I have greasy clothes, I use hot water, about 1/2 c baking soda and a tbs of Dawn dish soap in my washing machine. Double rinse.... Works wonders for me!

  • Sarah Sota Sarah Sota on Apr 26, 2019

    Walmart sells a laundry soap called "Zota" it is just plain soap, no additives and smells great. It comes in bars and powdered. It removes all odors and greasy stuff. I fill the washer with soap and warm water, put the clothes in ,agitate a few minutes and then shut it off for a couple hours to soak. A bar can be rubbed on dampened spots for better removal. This removes fecal odors also! It's great for diapers and invalids bed linens.It comes in pink and white. I use white less costly and use a cheese grater because powdered costs more.

  • 2818713 2818713 on Apr 26, 2019

    You can also try adding a cup of borax

  • Andi Kessler Andi Kessler on Apr 27, 2019

    I have made a soft laundry soap for about 35 years. It does involve the use of rendered animal fats and the old fashioned lye. I use it on anything that gets washed in the machine. Absolutely won’t use any other for laundry. (My husband is a retired farmer, that did most of his own machine repairs, so understand the grease & dirt issues!)

    I would gladly share the recipe & instructions if you’re interested. Just send me a message.

    • See 3 previous
    • JoniFree JoniFree on Feb 12, 2023

      I’m a few years behind this message but how can I get the recipe?

  • Carroll Carroll on Apr 27, 2019

    Add a can of coke to wash water.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on May 26, 2023

    This recipe, made with simple ingredients, makes 1 gallon of homemade soap.

    • 1 cup borax (freshens, deodorizes, and lifts dirt and stains)
    • 1 cup washing soda (freshens and deodorizes)
    • 1 cup liquid castile soap or Sal Suds (the main cleaning agent, lifts dirt and cleans)
    • 50 drops essential oil (optional for a scent)
    • 15 cups water (distilled water, found in any grocery store, is best as it doesn’t contain containments found in tap or filtered water)