How can I get pet hair out of fleece blankets. ?

by Rainy

Wow! It’s akmost like the pet hair is woven into the blanket. Plain washing removes a little, but a lot left behind.

  6 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Sep 22, 2018

    Hi Flu,

    I use duct tape. When I first tried it, I used it like a lint roller by rolling it around my hand. Then one day I discovered that it works a lot better if I just lay the item flat, cut strips of duct tape, lay them on the blanket, push them tight, then pull them off. I also have found that I can leave a little room between the strips of duct tape and once I remove a piece, I can move it over to that spot. I know this sounds like you'd use a lot of duct tape and that is true. For me, I figure it's cheap - a lot cheaper than lint rollers - and IT WORKS. Since some of your pet hair is woven into the blankets, it might take a little extra to get all of it out so mainly, it's time consuming. Wishing you pet hair free blankets. ;) -Linda

  • I’ve used a heavy duty lint roller and also rubber gloves. You can put rubber gloves on and rub the area. The hair clings to the rubber. You can also wet the gloves slightly, then rub. I use the cleaning gloves or even safety gloves. Last resort, they make a product you can purchase on amazon called fur-zoff pet hair remover that works too!

  • Wrap duct tape around your hand sticky side out and rub across the blanket

  • Meem Kaplan Meem Kaplan on Sep 22, 2018

    If you find something that works, I'm sure there are a lot of us who would love to know! I just toss and buy new.

  • Arleen Sarsons Arleen Sarsons on Sep 22, 2018

    Try putting on your rubber gloves & go over the blanket slowly. Works if you have cat hair on a sofa..

  • Bren Did Bren Did on Sep 28, 2018

    I also vote for the rubber gloves! It works great. I have my kids do it.