How to remove glue from fabric samples

Angela Bahling
by Angela Bahling
I have received a huge supply of discontinued fabric samples for use in my sewing projects. While I am happy to get this free material, I am having a terrible time getting the paper off of the backs of the fabric! The fabrics range from 100% cotton to rayon/poly blends to acetate to 100% silk. I tried soaking the fabrics I know will take hot water and the paper came off but left the sticky glue. Needless to say, it is difficult to sew through this mess not to mention I don't want the glue residue in my finished projects. Does anyone have any ideas how to make this glue disappear? Thanks so very much for any and all ideas!!!
  8 answers
  • Bonny McDaniel Bonny McDaniel on Mar 23, 2015
    My first reaction was to recommend a good spray/wash product and that might still work if you rinse the fabric out after that. However, the carpet cleaner, Folex, might be a better bet. It gets darn near anything out and is usually under $6 at the big box stores for a large spray bottle. There is always GooGone and similar products but they leave a chemical smell and, sometimes, an odd water mark or stain. Good luck. I used fabric samples in my quilted 'pictures' I did but I just cut off the glued part that was on one end.
    • See 1 previous
    • Bonny McDaniel Bonny McDaniel on Mar 30, 2015
      @Angela Bahling Use a sample (you don't like too much) and test the Folex on it. I don't think it would harm it but you never know. If it doesn't work, at least you will have some terrific carpet cleaner on hand!
  • Lee Lee on Mar 27, 2015
    If you can find the glue mfg--see what they suggest. I use WD40 a lot for sticker glue etc, but this oii and that would ruin your fabric. Vinegar may work--do a test. good luck
  • Maggie Huffman Maggie Huffman on Mar 27, 2015
    me, i would trim it off & set it aside for decorating cards or'd have to remove the paper it washable fabric? google what kind of glue is don't want to spoil the color, perhaps. good luck, ambitious Angela! :)
  • Deb Deb on Mar 28, 2015
    Only solution I've found is good old elbow grease! I have had a variety of samples. Some you can soak 10-20 pieces at a time for anywhere from 2-24hours. And no I'm not kidding. It depends on which type of glue is used on how quickly/well It came out. I used a scrubbing brush like for baked potatoes once I'd gotten the majority of the paper label off. After that it was scrub and if lucky most glue came out. For those it didn't I started with fresh water and it didn't matter if I tried hot or cold, it was more a matter of soaking, then scrubbing again and again. Some is more gummy after soaking and it was the hardest to get totally off. It is time intensive, so decide how much you really want the material under the label. Good luck!!!
  • Air334235 Air334235 on Mar 28, 2015
    where do you get free samples?
    • See 4 previous
    • Micayla Hathaway Micayla Hathaway on Oct 07, 2021

      I used Interior Define! They are great and the samples ship three days later.

  • Air334235 Air334235 on Mar 29, 2015
    how do you contact people who give away free samples? Thanks
  • Maggie Huffman Maggie Huffman on Mar 30, 2015
    perhaps a dry cleaner person can inform you what glue this is & make a recommendation .
  • Susan E Susan E on Mar 31, 2015
    I have tons of them, too, and I used the soaking/scrubbing method. Some of they pieces did not do well, but I have lots of replacements.