Asked on Jun 26, 2014

Pet Urine removal

Dana Godwin
by Dana Godwin
I rescued a huge rug (worth saving) but it has smells to it ~any suggestions?
  31 answers
  • Meena M Meena M on Jun 26, 2014
    What type of rug? It's possible to use something like absorb it in liquid form and then use a zinsser BIN primer on the back. It's an oil based primer that kills odors. You would have to spray the front and back with the absorb it spray you can get at Lowe's in the cleaning aisle. Let the rug dry and apply a think coat of primer to the back. This all depends on the type of rug though.
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 26, 2014
    thanks Meena for the information~sadly I believe it's a lost cause or I just have a very sensitive nose. I have tried everything, from Urine B-gone, baking soda with vinegar. Shampoo with pet odor removal. Nothing worked well enough for me to be brave enough to put it in my living room. Guess it becomes another "curb alert"!
  • Melissa Gutilla Melissa Gutilla on Jun 26, 2014
    There used to be a product from Hot Shot Or Hot spot for pet urine. It works wonders on urine stains but I'm not sure if they still make it or if the store the other day was just out of it.
  • Shari Shari on Jun 26, 2014
    Although you have marked the question as resolved, I wanted to suggest using a carpet steam cleaning machine on it, with some type of pet enzyme neutralizer. I would try spreading it out on the driveway, porch, deck, or other large, relatively clean surface and steam, steam, steam. Then let it dry in the sun. Maybe even do it several times over several days, allowing it to dry in the sun after each cleaning. I would flip it over face down and clean the back side too. At this point, what do you have to lose if you ruin it?
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 27, 2014
    That is funny Anna, because yours is the one I followed. I also pinned it. So I did try, the baking soda (after fizzing) was bringing out the stain, because it was turning brownish but I just was afraid to bring it into our living room. I even shampooed it. I might go out there and do the "sniff" check and see. Thanks so much for your advice.
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 27, 2014
    I must have had a tough case ~ I used "as seen on tv" Pet Urine B-Gone & the steam cleaner with the neutralizer. I know it all these attempts should have done something and I know it isn't as bad as it was to begin with. Now I am beginning to wonder, maybe I will see. It's hard to get it to dry, one the basement is old and musty so that's tough. We did drape it over the ping pong table ~ I did lay it out on the driveway ~ now the weather is suppose to rain :( It is just so big to maneuver. Not a pretty sight getting out of the basement by myself! I think if I could just get it to dry. It's maddening because it's a great rug. Thanks everyone for your help, it has inspired me to go and give it another try!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jun 27, 2014
    I don't know if you have tried this or not, but you can't beat water and sunshine. Almost every fabric is washable! I used to take my bathroom rugs outside and lay them across the railing on the deck and let the rain wash them and the sun clean them. After a couple of days, they smelled like sunshine! Turn the rug bottoms up to avoid fading. You can actually hose it down if you are in a dry spell and let the sun clean it. I have a sloping concrete driveway that gets lots of sun and i have taken rugs outside, hosed them down, scrubbed them with a stiff brush using only water, let them drain and let the sun do it's work. What have you got to lose to try this? You could probably lay them on grass if that is the only slope you have. They can be brushed off when dry.
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 27, 2014 you have my mind just a buzzing, and its only 6am! Another one of those days! I might go throw on some sweats and check it out now!
  • 169756 169756 on Jun 27, 2014
    Any luck with Nature's Miracle?
  • Donna Steward Donna Steward on Jun 27, 2014
    We had a momma raccoon in our garage attic last year & left behind the horrible urine smell. How can I get rid of this smell?
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 27, 2014
    now that one I didn't try~we don't have a Petco close so I tried other things. Have you had success with it?
  • Kimra Plaisance Kimra Plaisance on Jun 27, 2014
    Hydrogen Peroxide, or a mixture of it and baking soda will break down urine.
  • Melissa Gutilla Melissa Gutilla on Jun 27, 2014
    Jeanette that is so funny that is what I did to my rug under the dining room table. We got a new puppy and of coarse that was his spot. I did exactly that hung it over my deck railing for a couple week so it got rained on several times and it doesn't smell at all now.
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 27, 2014
    thanks, I had heard of that too. The rug is just too big and now I just can't seem to go by it without smelling it. It's mind thing. It was worth the try though.
  • Melinda Edwards Melinda Edwards on Jun 27, 2014
    My daughter, the vet, says that an enzyme based urine cleaner is the only way to go to totally remove the smell. I only have carpets in my bedrooms, love the convenience of a quick vacuum, but I know it is never really clean. Many years ago a co-worker told me her secret for cleaning carpets at home. Rent a steam type cleaner (Home Depot, grocery, etc.), but instead of buying the cleaner sold with the machine, she told me how to mix my own. It does contain bleach though. Boil water, enough to fill the tank, add a tablespoon of bleach and a tablespoon of Tide, you can adjust amounts as needed. Be sure to color test a spot first, but I have never had a color leak/fade in 20 years. After using the cleaner, I use plain, very, very hot water to rinse. I usually do the rinse at least 3 times. The cleaner seems to release the dirt, etc., but the rinse is what really removes all of the crap from your rug/carpet. You will probably never get the water to rinse totally clear, but this will give you a good idea of how much crap is in your carpet. I am sure you could use some other type of cleaner, but the bit of bleach and Tide really remove everything and leave the cleanest, freshest smell ever.
  • Tim D. (The Retro Den) Tim D. (The Retro Den) on Jun 27, 2014
    Perhaps too late but an ounce of prevention would be to... KILL ALL CATS!
    • Jim L Jim L on Jul 02, 2014
      @Tim Dooley (aka The Retro Den) Tom Dooley, you are behaving badly! Some of us like CATS and dogs!
  • 169756 169756 on Jun 28, 2014
    Nature's Miracle has worked very well for us. It worked after a stray cat sprayed in our basement in several spots.
  • Lesley Lesley on Jun 28, 2014
    Dana, I've had that problem also. I tried throwing away lots of money on products that didn't work. Finally, I sprinkled baking soda on it, followed by vinegar. Let it set. If you can, put it in the sun. Once dry, vacuum. Then, I turned it over and poured straight white vinegar on the back part of the rug where the problem is and let it dry.
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 28, 2014
    that is interesting, I get what you mean about the carpets "never really being clean" I use a bissell to steam clean, seems to do the trick for the time being~thanks for your advice!
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jun 28, 2014
    Found a home for the rug~my son is living in a basement that is not carpeted so he will put the rug in there! Yea, my efforts paid off~thanks to everyone and their advice!
  • Jamie Jamie on Jun 28, 2014
    Call around.. professional rug cleaners use an enzyme treatment (very expensive) but I know you can find cleaners for carpets with enzymes in them. When you use enzymes the smell gets worse before it gets better because the enzymes are eating and digesting the urine and then after a few days the smell goes away for ever. I also had a friend whose cat peed all over the back seat of her new car...she soaked it in ammonia, and again the smell gets bad before it gets better, and eventually, about a week, the smell was completely gone.
  • Candy Armstrong Candy Armstrong on Jun 30, 2014
    Clean with a solution of Vinegar and water. The Vinegar also disinfects.
  • Melissa Gutilla Melissa Gutilla on Jun 30, 2014
    I've used tide before on my carpets but it never got rid of the smell. I use peroxide for small spots and mix it with water and use it in my steam cleaner to do the whole carpet.
  • Kathy T. Kathy T. on Jul 01, 2014
    I always use a steam extractor. I never put any solution is reservoir.I use a garden pump sprayer. I saw my carpet cleaner guy do this, works great. I never use soap or detergent. Oxiclean and water sprayed generously with sprayer.This removes general dirt and urine. If needed I do again until you can't see urine. Suction as dry as possible. The BEST product I ever found was SCOE10x. This really removes the odor. Importantly it must also saturate the padding which the odor is larger there than the carpet. You can purchase a bottle and needle to get deep down. I use my sprayer directly into carpet every foot or so then a top spray. You can put nose to it and not smell. Important to keep moist until odor completely gone. I had a dirty cat. None of the pet store products worked. I have tried the peroxide method does ok but not as well for large areas. Scoe is not cheap but worth it. Samples available other options www, or, the peroxide site. Hope this helps. P.S. I use oxiclean for everything?
    • Linda Linda on Jul 24, 2016
      Kathy, When mixing Oxiclean and water how do you get the Oxiclean to melt. I always end up with granules in bottom. If I use warm water it starts swelling/growing! Thanks
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jul 03, 2014
    Thanks everyone, it is now in my son's new basement on the concrete floor and NO smell! Yea, we all win!
  • Judy Willemsen Judy Willemsen on Jul 04, 2014
    TIDE SPORT... got this tip from Hometalk and it works.
  • Cheryl Fontaine Cheryl Fontaine on Jul 08, 2014
    The best cat urine odor removal I have ever used is Anti-Icky Poo. It is hard to find, only one vet in my area carries it, but you can get it online or at Amazon. It beats all the others no contest Also, it can be helpful to get yourself a small handheld black light and it will show you where the urine is. Good luck.
    • See 1 previous
    • Cheryl Fontaine Cheryl Fontaine on Jul 09, 2014
      I think the Anti icky poo all by itself is sufficient; however, that pre- treatment wasn't available so haven't tried it. The basic AIP worked beautifully for me though.
  • Dana Godwin Dana Godwin on Jul 09, 2014
  • Kathy T. Kathy T. on Aug 19, 2016
    It works best with the sprayer. I think it covers more evenly and the trick is to let it soak in. The steamers usually say hot water so that is what I use. I put in some hot water then Oxyclean and swish then let sit a few minutes for suds to settle. Then I slowly fill the rest with hot water to avoid bubble overflow.