Yikes! White baseball cap strikes out

My son dropped his BRAND NEW BASEBALL CAP on the wet grass. Now he wants me to get these stains out.
Grass stains, dirt, and speckles of soil. I started to clean it but after a few seconds of gently blotting I realized that that it will require more "rubbing". The fabric is going to rough up I do that. Please...any suggestion?? This was the first time he wore it.
  24 answers
  • Z Z on Oct 08, 2015
    It depends on the type of fabric. If it's not a wool hat, then this guy has a great way to clean hats. Though he says not to wash them in the washing machine, I have done that with my hubby's hats before, on gentle, and they've come out perfectly clean and intact.
  • Annabelle A. Annabelle A. on Oct 08, 2015
    Make a paste out off baking soda and peroxide and dob it on the affected areas. It works like oxy clean. You may need 2 or 3 treatments but at least there's no rubbing.
  • Bobbie Higgs Bobbie Higgs on Oct 08, 2015
    Era laundry detergent will get that out. Put the Era right on the stains then take an old toothbrush and some warm water and rub it in let set for a bit and then rub some more to make sure it's all out and rinse to get the soap out with damp cloth and it should be all gone. I used Era to get blood out our cloths when my kids were in an auto accident when they were little and it got it all out.. Good luck
  • Karen V Karen V on Oct 08, 2015
    Using 2 tblsp baking soda, 2 cups white vinegar, 1 cup peroxide, 1 tsp dawn dish soap....Put entire cap in large bowl and pour all vinegar over it. Mix in separate bowl- baking soda, dawn soap and peroxide. Pour mixture slowly into large bowl while swishing. Gently scrub spots and other soiled areas with 'soft' toothbrush, place back in bowl, swish up and down a few times and then let it soak overnight in this same bowl.. Rinse well the next day with cold water and place over a smaller bowl to retain shape as it dries! You may want to spray with a water protectant when completely dry. Good luck!
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Oct 08, 2015
    @Elizabeth Ring Smith I would pre-spot the stains then wash it on the top rack of the dishwasher then air dry. My mom used to wash my dad's caps that way all the time. If the stains don't come out, tell your son to cheer up, it just makes it look like he's been fighting the zombies! Good Luck!
  • Sherry Valentine Sherry Valentine on Oct 08, 2015
    Awesome Cleaner from the Dollar Tree - This stuff works wonders! I keep a bottle in my laundry room and under each sink!
    comment photo
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 08, 2015
    Try rubbing alcohol and white vinegar .Soak the hat until the stains lift than proceed to wash with a light detergent.
  • Jan Loomis Jan Loomis on Oct 08, 2015
    I always found that the top rack of the dishwasher worked best. I would probably spot clean it a little first but it should come out of there like "new"
  • Shari Shari on Oct 08, 2015
    I read about a stain treatment product here on HomeTalk called "Zout." It comes in an orange spray bottle and I found it at Walmart in the laundry aisle. It's been very effective on every stain I've used it on. Much to my surprise, it's even been successful at removing many old stains that had been "set in" after multiple trips through the washer and dryer. I would try spot treating the cap with it. I've never tried it personally but I, too, have heard putting them in the dishwasher works well without distorting their shape, as Jan mentioned.
  • Anne fenske Anne fenske on Oct 08, 2015
    My hubby's is a fishing cap, yuk! i wash it in the bathroom sink w/ tempid water. I take liquid laundry detergent and apply with tip of finger and rub it in on each spot ;leave for 5 min. and then wash with gentle hair brush. Swish in water. Then rinse, repeat if necessary. Very clean . Stuff with towel and let sit on tub rim or on more towels on counter. I use a nail brush on the inner head band as he sweats when fishing.
  • Gretchen Dietz Gretchen Dietz on Oct 09, 2015
    Blue dawn and hydrogen peroxide is a great stain remover. 1 part Dawn Dishwashing Liquid (the original blue kind)2 parts Hydrogen PeroxideMix together and pour directly on the stain. Let sit for awhile and then launder as usual http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2015/03/top-ten-uses-of-my-miracle-cleaner.html
  • Bette Bette on Oct 09, 2015
    I throw my husband's hats in the washer, but let them air dry.
  • Lee Koppe Lee Koppe on Oct 09, 2015
  • Jean McMunn Jean McMunn on Oct 10, 2015
    I soaked my son old beige cap in my "go to" stain remover - white vinegar and baking soda with a tiny bit of Dawn. After it was dry, it looked new again!
  • CAmom CAmom on Oct 10, 2015
    A mixture of - 2 T baking soda, a couple drops of blue dawn and hydrogen peroxide to make it sort of "paste -y", put it on all the stain areas and leave it for an hour. You can rub it gently with an old toothbrush if you want, just don't scrub it and make the fabric furry. This mixture will remove underarm stains, collar stains, even stains on colored fabric without removing the color. It's awesome.
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Oct 10, 2015
    If all else fails, put drops of clorox on each stain. Then launder.
  • Faye Bales Faye Bales on Oct 12, 2015
    Peroxide with dawn
  • Becky Arneth Becky Arneth on Oct 17, 2015
    I would treat the stains with a good stain stick and then put the hat in the dishwasher on the top. I know several people that keep their "men's" caps clean this way.
    • Grandmasue10 Grandmasue10 on Jan 10, 2016
      @Becky Arneth Yep, I was going to suggest the dishwasher. Never thought of pretreating the stains. That's a good bonus idea.
  • Tillie Liukkonen Tillie Liukkonen on Mar 01, 2016
    Spot Shot! Great for rugs, too!
  • By-pass! A biodegradable stain remover cleaner! The stains will disappear before your eyes!
  • Marie Armstrong-Axtmann Marie Armstrong-Axtmann on Apr 08, 2016
    Try hydrogen peroxide & Dawn dish soap. Spray HP onto stains, use a tooth brush to work it into fabric, squeeze Dawn on & keep rubbing with the tooth brush until gone. Rinse with cold water & place over a bowl to dry.
  • Pea5666043 Pea5666043 on Apr 27, 2016
    Era and a soft toothbrush
  • Annie Doherty Annie Doherty on Jun 24, 2016
    I use washing soda and white vinegar, mix both and use an old toothbrush to brush on stain. Leaven for an hour then rinse thoroughly dry naturally on a balloon, which keeps the shape. Dry and et voila, stain gone.
  • Lori Lori on Jul 22, 2016
    Might try baking soda and peroxide.