How to remove these stains from hardwood floor?

by Pamela

The previous owners had kept their dogs in this room and allowed them to relieve themselves all over the carpet. When I took up the carpet the carpet pad left these green stains all over the floor. Sanding with a hand sander has not worked.

  5 answers
  • Jlnatty Jlnatty on Jun 09, 2019

    You can try hydrogen peroxide sprayed directly on the stains and left to evaporate, repeat as necessary until you achieve the degree of lightening you want. You can try vinegar and baking soda, repeat as necessary. One lady with very badly stained wood floors from cat urine used hair developer (used to bleach hair from dark to light) and applied it to different parts 4 times to remove the stains, applied along with steam from an iron over a towel on the developer stuff on the floor. This method uses hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jun 09, 2019

    It looks like the floors,could use refinishing. They should go away once sanded.

  • Nessie Nessie on Jun 09, 2019

    Make a paste of Borax and hot water, wipe on the stains with an old paint brush or towel. let sit for 10 min and gently scrape with a PLASTIC putty knife. you can adjust your wait time depending on the desired result.

  • Diane Coverdale Diane Coverdale on Jun 10, 2019

    Have you tried something like a RIT dye stain removing powder. It's usually found in the laundry section at your favourite grocery store, or in the fabric dye section at the fabric store. (This is the one to remove colour goofs: the infamous red item in the load of whites!) Best bet is to do a internet search on this first. This came to mind as the colour is water soluble and this stuff works great.

    It might work on your floor.

  • Maureen Toms Maureen Toms on Jun 10, 2019

    Hard not to comment on your previous home owners but I’ll resist. There is a wood bleach available at Home Depot that might work. It’s for use on stripped wood to remove stains.

    As you’ve sanded the area you might be ready for it. Can’t hurt at this point. Too much localized sanding could create a dip in the floor that will be noticeable.

    If this doesn’t work you might consult a floor sanding company and if all else fails... a nice new area rug will work 😀

    Good luck.