Need to remove light spots in carpet.

Pat Oliver
by Pat Oliver
My dog vomited on my carpet. Lady next door came over and she used baking soda and vinegar. It left white spots. I vacumned and used shampooer , but it stil has the white spots.

  8 answers
  • Bijous Bijous on Apr 12, 2018

    The homemade formula may have lightened the carpet. Use a really good shampoo and deeply clean the entire carpet and see if that won't lighten up the remaining carpet. Good luck.

  • Ter28192716 Ter28192716 on Apr 12, 2018

    It bleached the color out of the rug, so the white spots so t come out. All you can do is try to match the color with due in those spots!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 12, 2018

    Hi Pat,

    It sound like the color has been removed from the carpet. :( One of my tricks is to cut out a few fibers to glue into places where I had burn marks. But for it to look right, you'll have to remove the light spot marks too. Then fill the space with glued tufts taken from a place where it won't show. You might also try coloring it with very light dye or water color paints. Just be careful that you don't get it too dark or darken the surrounding areas. It is definitely a challenge to do this and get it to look right, especially if your carpet is all one color and would need to be matched exactly. Wishing you the best.

  • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Apr 13, 2018

    I once dropped a dish carrying beetroot, with all the juice, on to my father-in-law's prized cream rug. Heck. I blotted up the beetroot, not rubbed, but blotted as much as I could with paper towel. Then carefully applied sparking mineral water in very small amounts (or soda water), again blotting. Thankfully all the stain came out. Never rub a stain, always blot. Bi. Carb. would have made the carpet go stiff and scratchy. If you don't have mineral water etc. to hand, just use water, sparingly.

  • Joyce Marshall Green Joyce Marshall Green on Sep 09, 2020

    Can I cover bleach spot in my carpet with new piece

  • Pat Pat on Sep 09, 2020

    We had a rug company come out and he cut the bleach spot out and put a new piece in. You could not tell it was patched.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 12, 2021

    Hi Pat,

    Hi try colouring in the patches with acrylic artist paint mixed to match. (test hidden area first). Claim on Insurance?