What is the best way to get cat urine out of basement cement floors?

by Cfh33362950
I have tried vinegar, clorox, enzyme sprays, etc and the smell may dissipate for a short while and then the smell comes back.

  2 answers
  • Map33629325 Map33629325 on Jul 07, 2018

    The only product I have found which worked is 'Detol". You buy it at the pharmacy. Some grocery and hardware stores are starting to stock it. You add water to it and wash the floors then let them dry. My cat never went back to same area..... that is why I do NOT wash her regular litter area with Detol.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jul 07, 2018

    I highly recommend using a product designed for cement floors called Kilz. You can find it at your local hardware store and it's a cement paint for floors. You can pick many floor color options. We have done this to our basement floor anyway just to seal the floor so dirt doesn't come up through the floor and it makes it really easy to clean and mop up. It'll seal in the smell for you. When we moved into our house they had 3 cats and my husband and daughter are allergic. We put this on all of our floors (even the wood floors upstairs before we re-carpted) and it worked great!