After removing tile backsplash what's the best way to clean the wall?

by Diane
I want to remove the current tile backsplash in my kitchen and replace it with different tile. What is the best way to clean the wall before replacing the tile?

  4 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 09, 2018

    I'm about to remove mine to add shiplap. Everything I've read says it pretty much tears up the sheet rock, so be prepared to patch or replace it.

  • Bijous Bijous on Jul 09, 2018

    Hi Diane, if the backsplash was done on a backerboard, there's probably bare drywall behind. No need to clean. You'll just add a new backerboard and put up your tile. If you're able to just pop off the tiles, sand to remove the excess mastic, then put up your new tiles. However, if the tile was attached to the drywall really well, you will probably have to chip away at the tile to remove. There may be wall damage. Put up a backerboard over the damage. Happy renovating!

  • Janice Janice on Jul 09, 2018

    Hi Cindy! I've not done this, but just remember putting up backer board over existing sheet rock, etc. will change the depth of the back splash and you need to consider any wall switches or outlets involved in the redo. Think all of it through first, just sayin' :)

  • Diane Diane on Jul 10, 2018

    I was not aware of backboard. Thanks for the suggestions