How do you get cigarette smoke smell out of room?

by Ess9647876
  3 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Jan 08, 2018

    my dad would use cigs like lit in every room. Any thing fabric needs washed, about twice. Hard surfaces were washed with tsp. Use gloves...nicotine can be absorbed by skin. The mattress didn’t have a cover for it...but a gent who also smoked took it off our hands. The carpet was ripped out and replaced, then the apartment was painted with a stain blocking primer, painted.

  • K S K S on Jan 09, 2018

    Recently sold a small house in Washington state. I'm a small cigar smoker so there was smell and tar from smoking inside during a record winter. Besides having sheet slipcovers that could be taken off while showings there's also smoke sprays for curtains. Vinagar and water solution took build up off wood blinds, windows, walls and ceiling. Left a stong sour smell for a few days but did work at clearing the air. Fresh paint helped too.