How to clean the burnt on grease on the bottom of T fal cookware

by Jpo11828542
  5 answers
  • Have you tried a good soak with vinegar yet?

  • Dolores Thompson Dolores Thompson on Nov 09, 2017

    On my pots and pans - Hot water with dawn, 1/4 c.bleach - soak overnight will wash right out next morning

  • Judy Judy on Nov 09, 2017

    I use a scrubbing pad, or sos, these are great. I use these every other time I wash them, and great results. Best wishes, J.

  • Ellis Ellis on Nov 10, 2017

    Do you mean the outside of the pan? Where the bottom sits on the burner, and the sides? I use a product named Cerama Bryte, which I have on hand to clean my ceramic stove top. It's a liquid, it's not offensive smelling, and it works well to get off burned-on stuff. Let it sit on the surface awhile, then scrub with a sponge or folded up wet paper towel.

  • Judy Judy on Nov 11, 2017

    Also, I scrub the area on the outside of the rim, just to get the brownish use from any grease, to make this nice and clean. If the bottom is in need of help, just go ahead, and clean this, and also the inner part. To me, I love a clean pan, and this is the only answer. We can even use a sponge with a scrubber, to clean teflon, if needed. Have a lovely day, it is sunny, here. J.