Asked on Jun 10, 2016

Mold in silicone grout: How to clean?

Tova Pearl
by Tova Pearl
I have these little patches of mold that are growing around the sink- i've tried vinegar and a bleach based floor cleaner on it with no results. Any ideas? thanks
  15 answers
  • Micky  quick Micky quick on Jun 10, 2016
    Not how to clean, but next time you buy sealer get silicone with mould repellent in it. I would just replace and not get this prob again hope this helps. You can get it in a ÂŁ $ store.
  • Pri4759878 Pri4759878 on Jun 10, 2016
    try spraying it with Hydrogen Peroxide from your local drug store. just pour it on or put it in a spray bottle. Soak it good and let it sit overnight. It kills the mold and then you clean it. Spray every other week and it wont come back.
  • Bryan's Workshop Bryan's Workshop on Jun 10, 2016
    That looks like moldy caulking. Try making a bleach paste: If the mold comes back quickly, the mold got under it. You'll have to remove the caulk and clean. Its not as challenging as it sounds. There are good caulks with mold inhibitors in them. You can also buy a sealer if you clean this and it doesn't come back quickly. Good Luck! :)
  • Shari Shari on Jun 10, 2016
    Try soaking a few cotton balls with straight bleach and laying them along the moldy grout line overnight. The mold should be gone in the morning.
  • Justme Justme on Jun 10, 2016
    I've had that problem. If all else fails, it's Very easy to peel it off, clean and dry the surface, and put down new caulk. I think it's even easier than cleaning it. Good luck:-)
    • Darla Darla on Jun 10, 2016
      @Justme It's not easy to scrape off the old caulk!
  • Lindy Lindy on Jun 10, 2016
    I agree with prioritycs totally and was told this during a home repair from storm damage by a reputable company that deals in mold. The peroxide will bubble up on active mold and kill it. The bleach just removes the color they told me.
  • Steve Steve on Jun 10, 2016
    definitely chlorine
  • Tommi L. Perkins Tommi L. Perkins on Jun 10, 2016
    Think you are going to have to remove the calk, clean the area with bleach and hot water., dry thoroughly and recalk.
  • Karen Karen on Jun 10, 2016
    I have this with the silicone sealant around my undermount sink ... even after handyman pro removed as much as possible and recaulked, the mold regrows. I've used Soft Scrub with bleach and straight bleach to no avail, hot vinegar, moldicides, the bleach pens, etc. Guess I'll try peroxide -- nothing to lose. But I don't believe peroxide will kill mold ... I became a lay expert in mold removal and remediation as a result of dealing with two houses that had major mold infestations. In areas such as sinks and tub/shower stalls that get wet frequently, it's going to be an ongoing challenge.
  • Karen Karen on Jun 10, 2016
    Hydrogen peroxide ,over here in the UK we have to by it from the pharmacy , dip a toothbrush in some and scrub the area.
  • Jennie Lee Jennie Lee on Jun 10, 2016
    Kill it with rubbing alcohol. If you re-caulk, use caulk with mold and fungus killer built in.
  • Shelly Shelly on Jun 10, 2016
    bicarb soda & hydrogen peroxide its all i use for everything bleach does not help it only feeds off bleach and will keep coming back
  • Kat49565685 Kat49565685 on Sep 10, 2020

    Will Peroxide damage stainless sink?

  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 15, 2022

    Hello Tova, hope this helps you out. Rub a paste of white vinegar and baking soda into mouldy areas. Scrub at heavy stains with a stiff-bristled brush or reapply the paste. Rinse with a cold, wet sponge and dry with a microfibre cloth. You can also remove the mouldy stuff and add a new layer caulking in that area.

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 15, 2022

    I would spray hydrogen perxiode on it. That is one of the ingrediants in Oxy Clean I believe.