How to remove mold/fungus from shingles

by Kathy
My house faces the north and gets streaks of black mold or fungus. How can I get rid of it?

  3 answers
  • Wendy Wendy on Jun 18, 2018

    Here's a video for you to check out!

  • Kathy Kathy on Jun 18, 2018

    Thank you Wendy!

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jun 20, 2018

    The less expensive solution is to spray wash the roof with a 50 percent mix of water and bleach to get rid of the algae. (No pressure washers, please. They're likely to damage the shingles.) Just be sure to wet your foundation plantings first, and rinse everything in clean water when you're done.

    To keep the algae from coming back, insert 6-inch-wide strips of zinc or copper under the row of shingling closest to the roof peak, leaving an inch or two of the lower edge exposed to the weather. That way whenever it rains, some of the metal molecules will wash down the roof and kill any algae trying to regain a foothold on your shingles.

    Natural treatment: sprinkle it with baking soda each summer. Despite the cool, damp weather, the moss was all dead in a week. Here’s how it works: Sprinkle roofs, decks, furniture, and walkways generously with baking soda. Next, even out the coverage with a broom or brush. Let it stand for a few days, or until moss turns golden and starts to flake away. Scrub or scrape off moss and rinse away excess soda and you’re done until next year. This is effective with getting rid of the mold/pollen.