whats the cheapest and most efficient way to clean mildew from vinyl siding on a doublewide mobile home?on a budget

Diana K
by Diana K
  21 answers
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on May 02, 2012
    I used plain vinegar on my vinyl fence and it worked perfectly for mildew and algae. I didn't even have to scrub it.
  • An natural cleaner like vinegar mixed with water is inexpensive and better for the ground around the home than harsh chemicals!
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on May 02, 2012
    And there is the old 10% clorox and dish soap solution with a scrub brush.
  • Good old elbow grease and soap. Car wash works well. A soft brush on a pole with a large bucket of soap and a hose. If you have access to a power washer that makes quick work of it as well. Some home centers, sell vinyl siding cleaner that you spray on the house, wait and then hose off again. You may have some success with that, but elbow grease makes the best cleaning system.
  • Jane W Jane W on May 03, 2012
    Pressure washer will get 99% off....
  • Pedini of Atlanta, LLC Pedini of Atlanta, LLC on May 04, 2012
    I did that on my 3 story stucco house with a product from home depot called house wash, you hook it to the water hose and just spray away. Was easy and worked great
  • Diana K Diana K on May 04, 2012
    I tried everything short of a pressure washer or special cleaners,cant afford those..I ended up taking a cheap pressurized garden spray bottle,pouring 1/2 bleach to 1/2 water.pumping it up good every few minutes,and let it work its magic..scrubbing up high is hard for me since I have systemic lupus.I lose my balance and use of my extremities quickly..so I sprayed really good,the eaves and the siding,then came back after a few minutes and hosed it good...looks like new now ^_^ Thanks to all of you!!!! Sometimes as a homeschooling mom of 6,I get frustrated and feel overwhelmed,but things like this little job,make me feel like I can still do some things without asking for others to do the leg work :)
  • Pam Pam on May 06, 2012
    I clean mold and mildew from my exterior with a hand held sprayer filled with water and about a cup of clorax. Once it's clean and mold free, I them rinse with the garden hose. So far it has not hurt my lawn or flowerbeds which are filled with plants and flowers.
  • Barbara P Barbara P on May 11, 2012
    Sam's club has a liquid called O DO BAN it smells like eucaliptus plant and comes in a gallon bottle. i love it's odor
  • Joey C Joey C on May 11, 2012
    purple power
  • Barbara P Barbara P on May 12, 2012
    Use some elbow grease and scrub
  • Pam Pam on May 12, 2012
    Vinegar will kill your plants and grass. Clorax with water will not.
  • Pat S Pat S on May 27, 2012
    I just did it with pool chlorine and a hose sprayer with a scrub brush on a handle/pole. Water anywhere below that could kill plants.
  • DutchMolly DutchMolly on Mar 05, 2013
    I have found the easiest and most cost effective way is to use Oxiclean -- mix it in a bucket with water and use a rag or long handled brush (RV brush with extending handle works great). It immediately removes the mildew and stains and doesn't harm the vinyl finish. I do my manufactured home twice a year with the method -- easy peasy!
  • 153091 153091 on Apr 05, 2013
    When washing your siding always start at the bottom and wash upwards ...you will never get streaks on your siding that won't come off.
  • Bonnie Marcum Plumlee Bonnie Marcum Plumlee on Jan 22, 2019

    Where did u get the screen door

  • Karolyn Slader Karolyn Slader on Jan 22, 2019

    Bleach in a sprayer with dish soap

  • Deb K Deb K on May 09, 2021

    Hi Diana, hope this helps,


  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Jun 02, 2024

    Borax is a natural mineral compound that won't damage nearby landscaping plants. Apply the solution as instructed above. Treat stains with oxygen bleach paste. To treat a stubborn stain, mix just enough warm water with a small amount of powdered oxygen bleach to make a paste.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 07, 2024

    Hi Diana K, hope this helps you. Water And Vinegar Solution + Some Elbow Grease and a scrub brush. 30% white vinegar mixed with 70% water, makes a great all-purpose vinyl siding cleaner that will remove light mold and mildew stains.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jun 08, 2024

    This may help you if you opt to use a pressure sprayer:

    Use low pressure to clean siding. The trick to power washing on vinyl siding is to use it on the lowest pressure setting necessary to clean the siding. The spray angle is also important: Spray at a downward angle on the siding panels to keep from forcing water up and under the strips, which can encourage moisture and mold growth beneath the siding.

    If you'd like to read more:
