How do I get rid of mold in my crawl space?

by Barbara

My crawl space is so full of mold the smell is coming up thru the floors into the house. What can I do to get rid of the mold for good and keep my house from smelling moldy for good.

  5 answers
  • A very dangerous situation. Regardless of what internet quick fixes are out there - don't do it.

    This is caused by extremely poor ventilation. Typically found in humid locations. Time to call in the pros. Chances are the mold has traveled up into your walls. I can't stress enough how bad this really is. Can cause health problems, especially for pets (birds can die), children, elderly and those with compromised immune systems and respiratory issues. If left untreated it can eventually kill you.

    Do yourself and your family a favor and call in mold remediation company today.

  • William William on Dec 15, 2018

    I agree with Naomie. You have a dangerous mold problem. Poor air circulation, trapped moisture. You need a pro quick.

  • Betty Albright-Bistrow Betty Albright-Bistrow on Dec 15, 2018

    Hi Barbara! I am sorry that you are having this problem. Mold is a health hazard and you really should contact professionals to help you decide what you should do. You can get someone out to talk about it, and then decide what you want to do. We lived in a house one time that had mold, and the only way you can get rid of this is to get someone in that is professional. Yes you can clean and paint, but you don't know how much further this has gone. This can affect your lungs and so much more. My best to you and let us know how it works out for you. It is a very concerning question.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Dec 15, 2018

    Have you actually seen mold? Not good if you can. Needs professionally removed & treated. I had black mold inside walls and studs it was a mess had to evacuate house 12 days for removal/repair. Call your home owners insurance ours was covered except of course deductible. They will also be able to provide reputable companies they work with to evaluate,remove,repair any damages,even provided $ for place to stay(hotel) for us & pets. For the smell get Activated Charcoal and put in shallow pans(cookie sheets, aluminum roasters) about 2" thick and place one in each room leave for 2 days-1week. This will absorb odors. Put in vents/ducts too. Put in cheesecloths bags for this.Get these at craft stores,Walmart. You can get the activated charcoal at fish /aquarium or water filtration stores but it's cheaper to buy in bulk online here's one place Don't wait if it is mold it's growing by the hour seriously

  • Ellis Ellis on Dec 21, 2018

    As others have said, check with your homeowner's insurance before you contract with anyone. I hate to say it, but you have to have this done by a professional mold remediation firm. Make sure you get a reputable company.