Asked on Mar 29, 2018

How to remove UV window film

Robyn Garner
by Robyn Garner
My home is 40 years old and previous owners had put UV window film on sliding doors. I've tried everything to try to remove the film so I can properly clean the doors and put on new film. So far, nothing has worked to even begin to remove the film - it's literally baked on from so many years of broiling hot direct FlaDuh sun. icon

Help anyone?

  6 answers
  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Mar 29, 2018

    Try a heat gun but not too close and use a plastic putty knife as not to scratch your glass. If that doesn't work, try some pure acetone on a rag, just saturate the film in one spot and see if any of it will peel off. Another thing you can try is denatured alcohol. If none of those work, I would call a window film store and ask for any advice.

    Here is something else that might be helpful:

    Put the straight ammonia into the spray bottle, spray it onto the window film and immediately cover the ammonia-wet area with a layer of plastic wrap. After 45 minutes, use a broad-bladed putty knife to remove the film. Make sure that the area is well ventilated and don't forget to use eye protection.

    Hope one of these works for you. Just make sure to use a plastic putty knife, you don't want your windows scratched up.

    • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Mar 31, 2018

      The direct afternoon sun bakes the glass, making it hotter than a blow dryer can. I've not tried renting a heat gun.

      I will try the other things and let you know...

  • Missy Burch Missy Burch on Mar 29, 2018

    If you've tried scraping, olive oil, & using soapy water to remove it- there may not be much help for it. You may need to just put the next layer right on top of it.

  • Ced22253870 Ced22253870 on Mar 29, 2018

    Goo Be Gone works great!

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 29, 2018

    If you don't have a heat gun, you can just use a hair dryer.

    • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Mar 31, 2018

      The direct afternoon sun bakes the glass, making it hotter than a blow dryer can. I've not tried renting a heat gun.

  • Rbu12190008 Rbu12190008 on Mar 29, 2018

    You will need a razor scraper with perferably a ”blue” blade which is suppose to be softer and less likely to scratch your glass. Use with a spray bottle with a couple drops of Dawn dish soap to act as a lubricant and plenty of paper towels to clean up goop. This will be time consuming but should be able to blade off. Might try a blow dryer to warm glass and soften adhesive in order to pull up corner of film to start. Window will need to be completely free of adhesive and film before ever redoing. You do not want any dirt or lint on glass before refilming window or it will be apparent once new film is applied. You might talk to a Window Tint company that would have some suggestions for products to use. Surely in Florida there are plenty and they may even remove and redo for you.

    • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Mar 31, 2018

      I've tried scraping and peeling. I've only gotten a few cm. off lol!

      Great idea to call a residential window tinting company!