Any suggestions on how to make my eyes glow blue for Halloween?
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Lots more videos if you click on the link.
Not sure if this will be helpful, but I found this:
Check out this video on YouTube:
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these are really creative hacks! looks like it totally works! I wonder how it feels to walk around with that
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I wouldn't leave those blue lights on my eyes all night but here is one you might think about .Just buy two of those finger flashlights kids play with . Mold them with some kind of face clay to the side of each eye and only use them when you first get there .Besides if you have a little to much fun you do not want to be seeing BLUE at the end of the night lol.
One idea that does work is if the party has ‘blue/purple’ top lights( most parties usually do in large areas),& use this eye-drops for brightening eyes; it used to be called Eye Light(on a blue & white sticker:amber bottle)*names might alter though ask for eye drops to brighten eyes.
These drops over usual ones for general sore eyes, react with the lighting & gives eyes a very bright light on” look,& best of all the drops are under 30 dollars~ sml enough to carry around so you can top up as well while out... It does work as it is a trick used in the entertainment industry for decades..& sometimes something real simple & almost forgotton about in this digital world of far toooo much on offer to buy(& much much junk), its worth knowing an inside cheap non harmful trick( unless you have any specific eye condition then consult first)... The only thing i’d do a check on is that there will be blue/purple lighting happening...& in my lengthy experience putting decoring of places/& party places together, this lighting is never missed... including small house parties i still see the lighting used everywhere as some things just can’t be replaced as it makes most people look a tanned look along with super white teeth,which is good for many with bad self tans on & not so white teeth~ if you don’t want teeth to shine then use a thin layer of vasaline over cleaned dried teeth,& dont lick teeth//drinking won’t take it off.
NOTE: this eye brightening drops wont hurt your make-up adventure however if topping up, place a tissue close under lashes so not to have any of the liquid drip on facial areas as that will pop up as lights” also... unless you deliberately want to pre draw with a small paint brush some invisible ink pictures, as that is what this product will do... or paint tiny dots around the eyes as well for a depth extra look:)
Good Luck with what ever you choose, just be safe & have fun!
Blue plastic under the eyes of your mask?
White will glow under black light.I believe that is the best possible way you will find to look the most natural.Besides that you have options for glow in the dark paint and spray paint at Home Depot.
Thanks for all the great suggestions! I ended up fashioning an led headpiece and placed a blue orb over the top. I liked the comfort factor and ability to control the light.... amd it looked good!