What is a good adhesive to use on a wreath in a very hot location?

I have a front door that faces west and gets very hot in the summer. I made a wreath of twigs and sea shells.The hot glue melted, causing the shells to fall off. I tried E6000 glue but the same thing happened. What would be a good adhesive to use?
  9 answers
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Aug 16, 2015
    Had you considered wiring the items you use on a wreath? We have a crosswind in our back yard, so the wreath on the back door (where we go in and out all the time) as well as direct sunlight until late afternoon glue just didn't work, due to all the elements (plus a small overhang)..But, when I starting using florist wire, no further problems. Hope that helps!
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  • Darla Darla on Aug 16, 2015
    Tile mastic (for ceramic tiles, not vinyl) shouldn't be affected by heat.
    • See 1 previous
    • Darla Darla on Sep 28, 2018

      I've only used it on floors! But once it's dry, it's like cement. I think epoxy would probably work, too.

  • PAULA PAULA on Aug 16, 2015
    I too had a front door that got full sun all day and had to switch to floral wire. I actually like using it better than glue. I wire moss down first which seems to help keep things tight.
  • Sherry Shoup Sherry Shoup on Aug 16, 2015
    E-600 or hot glue gun
  • Retta Hyatt Retta Hyatt on Oct 21, 2018

    I live in South Florida with a South facing door. It gets super hot and I had the same thing happen. I think I'm going to try glassing them on. The same thing they use for Bar and Table Tops. I will let your know my results. Happy Crafting!!!

  • Kerrie Aley Kerrie Aley on Jan 25, 2019

    Did you end up trying the tile mastic? Just curious if it worked

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jun 02, 2024

    E6000 is one of my favorites

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jun 07, 2024

    Since E6000 did not hold up, switch to floral wire or clear filament fish line.

  • Dee Dee on Jun 07, 2024

    E 6000 does not work in the heat. If you are using shell, you can try to drill small holes to attach string, rope or yarn to a metal or grape vine wreath.