How best to transfer an image to concrete paver?

My cat of 17 years passed and I want to transfer some images(pics) to a concrete paver where he is laid to rest :(

  4 answers
  • Bea Bea on Sep 22, 2018

    Try Pinterest?

  • Print out reversed image pic with laser printer, it has to be toner type ink (You may have to go to staples or office depot), place image face doqn on paver then use acetone painted on the paper and a spoon to rub the image to transfer. Couple coats of poly to seal it up. The smoother the paver surface the better. Good luck!

  • Sally Alter Sally Alter on Sep 22, 2018

    I am so sorry to hear about you beloved cat. How about doing a stencil? Try Cutting Edge or Royal stencils on line.

  • Dee Dee on Sep 25, 2018

    I just recently did a version of this for my beloved dog in June. I just printed out a colored picture on regular white copy paper, cut it to size, and I used mod podge to glue it onto a nice size rock, wrote his name and dates etc, with a paint marker, put mod podge on top of the picture to seal the edges, and then sprayed the whole thing with exterior clear gloss, using several thin coats. It turned out great. I truly can't say how long it will hold up, as I have only did something similar to this once before, and It has been out side all year round, for over a year, and still looks great.

    It does not show up very good in this pic, but wanted to give you an idea of how it turned out.

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